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A message from all the staff at Bryncethin Primary School

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Welcome to Mrs Witheridge's class

Information regarding activities that can be completed at home.

We are looking at ways of providing work for children who may not be at school at this time. In our most recent letter we informed you that we were working on providing distant learning and staff are continuing to work hard to provide this facility if the school is directed to close.

Here are links to suggested resources that may be of use at this time:

Reading –

Maths –

This will be many parents' first experience of home education. Below you'll find a few tips that may just help smooth the transition into teaching from home:

  • Make a learning plan. This could include a timetable, ground rules, aims, topics and reward schemes. Doing this on day one will help you stay organised and in control. 
  • Stay active. Whether it's a silly dance, star jumps or jogging on the spot, exercise is proven to help children focus and absorb information. 
  • Get dressed. It might sound obvious but don't be tempted to let your child stay in their PJ's all day. They're far more likely to take home education seriously if they're dressed for the occasion. 
  • Stay in touch. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help or advice.
  • Relax. Whether you think so or not, you're going to be great! No one expects you to be a pro straight away so don't put too much pressure on yourself. And if you ever feel like it's all getting a bit too much, take your child for a walk or read a book together. 

Here are some tips for supporting children with Speech and Language Difficulties or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during these times. Click on the PDF file below.


Here is a link to social stories for learners regarding COVID.

Can't believe it's July already. Take a look at the calendar each day and complete the task.

Friday 17th July

Good morning! It is the last day of term!

Well done to you all, for your work over this year. Also a big thank you to all your families for their support.

Good luck to those of you who will be moving on to the next phase of your learning, we hope you enjoy all the exciting times you have ahead.

Here is a poem about Summer and school ending. Copy it out using your neatest handwriting.

We hope you enjoy it.

It's the last day of term!  So no Maths today, just some fun things to do.  Hopefully you can print out the Summer Find and Colour, enjoy finding all the pictures, then you have some ideas of what you could do over the holidays.




Have a fantastic summer holidays.  You have all been amazing, working hard using Google Classroom and the website during the time you have been at home.  It was lovely seeing some of you in school the last few weeks for a Catch Up.  So take care of yourselves, hopefully we will have some lovely weather for you to go out and about.  Enjoy being you smiley and have FUN !



See you in September smiley


Thursday 16th July


Good morning! Here are your activities for today.




Your sound for today is 'tion' pay attention, it's a celebration!


Here is the flashcard for the sound.

Practise writing the four letters which make up the tion sound.


Now look at the  words which contain the tion sound below. 

Practise sounding out, then reading and spelling the words. How many beats does each word have? Which word has the most letters? Which word has the most number of beats?


Here is the link for the teaching video for today.


Have a look at this activity sheet.  Choose the correct 'tion' word to complete the sentence.


Here are your red words for today.

keep morning
top wind
river room


Practise these words using the strategy on the card below.




What things do you enjoy doing?  Make a list.  Ask someone in your family to make a list too.  Are they different or do you enjoy the same things?





Today we have a mixture of the different kinds of measurements you have been doing for the last two weeks.



See if you can find the culprit by solving the clues.




How about a game today.  If you can't print out, try drawing the game board onto paper/card, you could try drawing around a 50p piece to make the hexagon shapes.



Wednesday 15th July


Bore da! Here are your activities for today.




Your sound for today is 'ure' sure it's pure?

Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Here are some words which contain the 'ure' sound.

Practise sounding out the words. Then practise reading and spelling them.


Can you make a sentence containing as many of the words as possible?


Here is the link to the teaching video for the sound 'ure.'


Now try this activity.


Here are your red words for today.


let's fun
any better
lived much


Practise reading and spelling these words. Use the strategy on the card below.










Today we will look at units of measurement for capacity.

Take a look at this teaching video.

Remember ml stands for millilitres and l stands for litres.


Take a look at this to help you.


Can you find items from your home which hold the following amounts of liquids? Ask an adult to help you.



500 ml

1 litre

2 litres

Are there any other amounts of liquids you found?

What is the smallest amount you found? What is the largest amount you found?

Estimate the amount of liquid it would take to fill a cup, a jug, a bucket, a bath. Would you use ml or l for each of these?


Now try reading the scales on these measuring jugs to find out how much liquid is in each.


Next try this one.




Think about what makes a good day for you. Look at the sheet below and think about the questions. You may wish to ask a family member these questions too. 



Tuesday 14th July


Good morning here are your activities for today.




The sound for today is 'ear'  hear with your ear.

Here is the flashcard for the sound.

Here are some words which contain the ear sound. Practise sounding them out, then reading and spelling them.

Write each word in a sentence.


Here is the link to the teaching video for today.


Try this activity next.


Here are your red words for today.

key run
best park
grow fly


Learn to spell these words by using the strategy on the card below. Have fun!


Today we will be reading scales and weights.


Take a look at this activity. Can you read the weight shown on the scales? Remember to write kg after your answer.

Now try this one.  Remember to write grams after your answer.

Next try this one.


Now try this game. Click on the link to play it.


Let's look at some estimates of weights.


Do you have a weighing scale at home? Try guessing the weights of different objects then measuring them. Were you correct? What is the heaviest/lightest thing you found?




Think about what would make a perfect week for you. What types of activities would you do? Where would you go? Who would you go with?

Complete the perfect week timetable below.


Monday 13th July


Good morning. Here are your activities for today.



Your sound for today is 'ire' fire, fire! Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Here are some words which contain the 'ire' sound.

Practise sounding out, reading and spelling these words.

Here is a poster of 'ire' words. Can you create your own using words and pictures? Remember to underline the best friends.


Here is a link to the teaching video for the 'ire' sound.



Here are your red words for today.

took two
way fish
first shouted


Use the strategy on the card below to practise spelling the words. Have fun!






This week we are going to be looking at using a weighing scale to measure.






Can you use a weighing scale to weigh things around the house.  Can you find 5 things weighing less than a kilogram (kg) and 5 things heavier than a kilogram (kg)?









Friday 10th July


Good morning. Here are your activities for today.




Here is a poem all about Summer. Can you copy it using your best handwriting? Remember to use finger spaces, tall letters and letters sitting on and under the line.



Now think of all the things that you like to do in Summer. Make a list of them and use them to write your own poem called 'Summer is .......'



A fun 'Inside Out' guess the feeling video


How to make your own mini emoji notebook




Next week we will be looking at capacity and reading scales, so have a look at this video as an example.

This is a video about all different kinds of measurement - with a quiz at the end.


Its Friday so it's Big Maths!  This week it's CLIC.  Choose one.






Have a lovely weekend, time to relax, chill and spend some time with your family.



Thursday 9th July


Bore da! Here are your activities for today.




Your sound for today is 'ew' chew the stew.

Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Here is a list of words containing the ew sound.


Practise sounding out these words. Then practise reading and spelling them.


Here is the link to the teaching video for today.


Try this activity below.



Can you think of any other words which contain the ew sound?


Here are your red words for today.

eat food
need head
two way


Practise reading and spelling these words using the strategy on the card below. Have fun!



Watch this video about children talking about emotions.


Can you think of a time when you felt like this?  Talk to an adult about it.


Scroll down and read the summary and example, then click on the video.


Measuring in centimetres


Measuring in inches






Think about this sheet.  What comes in the middle of the two numbers?





Can you match the clocks with the words/digital times.


Wednesday 8th July


Good morning, bore da. Here are your activities for today.




Your sound for today is 'oa' goat in a boat. Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Here is a list of words which contain the 'oa' sound.

Can you practise sounding them out, then reading and spelling them?


Write a sentence for each word. Remember to underline the best friends.


Here is a link to the teaching video for the oa sound.


Try this activity by finding the oa words in the picture then using them to complete each sentence.


Here are your red words for today.

how things
magic next
small did


Practise these words by using the strategy on the card below. You could play this game with a member of your family. Have fun!



A video to watch explaining emotions and feelings.












Can you write out some fractions of your own.  Try thinking of a pizza - how many slices the pizza is cut into (on the bottom), how many slices were eaten (at the top)


Thursday 9th July


Bore da! Here are your activities for today.




The sound we will be looking at today is 'ew' chew the stew.

Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Here is a list of words containing the sound 'ew.'



Practise sounding out, then reading and spelling these words.


Here is the link to the teaching video for the ew sound.


Take a look at this activity for the ew sound. 



Can you think of any other words with the ew sound in them?


Here is a wordsearch. Can you find the ew words?

Tuesday 7th July


Good morning! Here are your activities for today.




The sound for today is 'ai' snail in the rain. Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Here is a list of words containing the ai sound. Practise sounding the words out then reading and spelling them.


Here is the link to the teaching video for the ai sound.

Can you think of any other words?

Write the ai sound into each  of the words below and read the word you have created.

Now choose five of these words and write a sentence for each.

Remember to  underline the best friends in each sentence.


Here are your red words for today.


garden every
think gave
stop has


Practise the words using the strategy on the card below, Have fun!




You can write on the jar if you can print out, or make a jar yourself and write your feelings on strips of paper.




How many of these exercises can you do?  Try to do 2 - 3 every day.


Watch this video to see how to measure an object using paper clips.


An example.




Can you think of anything else you can measure with paper clips?




How much money?  How much change from 50p?



Make a fact family using these numbers.



Monday 6th July


Bore da! We hope you had a lovely weekend, here are your activities for today.




We will be looking at two sets of letters which make the same sound.

These are ou shout it out and ow brown cow.  

Here are the flashcards for these sounds.



Here is a list of words containing these two sounds.


Complete the sentences below by choosing the missing word from the list above.


The children wanted to go _______ to play.

The teacher told the class that is was ______ time for them to sing their song.

It is very noisy so you may need to _______ .

I went into ________ on the bus yesterday.

The fireworks were very _______ .

The _______ stood in the field.

Your tongue and teeth are inside your _______ .

The leaves on the trees in Autumn are red, orange and ________ .

A circle is a _______ shape.

Take care when you walk _______ those steps.

I finally _______ my wallet.

_______ old will you be on your next birthday?


Can you think of 3 more ou or ow words and write your own sentence for each?

Now look at the ou and ow words on this sheet.



Here are your red words for today.


where would
that's way
took two


Use the strategy on the card below to help you to learn to read and spell these words. You will need a torch.




This week our school wellbeing theme is 'Feelings and Emotions'. We can feel lots of different emotions and some at the same time.  For example if you are going on holiday in a plane, you might feel excited, anxious or worried all at the same time.


Can you make an emotion balloon?  You will need a balloon and some cornflour or dried rice. Tip in the cornflour or rice until you think it is filled just right.  Tie the end of the balloon close to the top of your filling.  Use a sharpie to draw how you feel.


This week we are going to be learning about Measurement.

Watch the video and it will show you how to use non standard objects to measure with.


Try measuring your shoe with different objects.


Can you see what is wrong with the sticks?

Now have a go at measuring a member of your family.  What objects will you choose?








Friday 3rd July


Bore da! Here are your activities today.  Have fun completing them and have a great weekend!




Here is a poem all about thinking. Copy the poem using your neatest handwriting. Remember to use finger spaces, tall letters and letters sitting on and under the line.



Here are two alphabet strips to help you one is printed, the other is joined.






Let your mind relax and enjoy just concentrating on the colours you are using.



How many of these yoga poses can you do?  Be gentle and don't push your body, take a deep breath when you end each pose.



Its Friday again, so its Big Maths time.  This week you have 'Learn It's'.  Just do one. Are you getting better and faster?  Remember to time yourself for 2 minutes.






Have a great weekend smiley  See you again on Monday :-)

Thursday 2nd July


Good morning! Here are your activities for today.




Your sound for today is 'ow' brown cow. Here is the flashcard for the sound.

Here are some words containing the ow sound:









Can you create one sentence containing all the words above?

Can you think of any other words which contain the ow sound?

Practise sounding out, reading and spelling these words.

Here is the link to the teaching video for the ow sound. 


Have a go at underlining the ow best friends in the words below.

Can you find all the ow words in the short story below?


Here are your red words for today.


going wanted
other lots
three where


Practise spelling these words using the strategy on the card below. Have fun!




 Look at the July calendar for today.  Can you complete the task?


Use the chart to find out the secret words.





This video will teach you how to measure irregular shapes.


Chris is trying to find out the perimeter of his name.  Can you draw your name and figure out the perimeter?



See if you can make your own person using the squared paper.









Wednesday 1st July


Good morning! Here are your activities for today.





Today we will look at the sounds

They all make the same sound using different combinations of letters.

Use the list above to complete the sentences below.


I can see a scary spider in the _______ of the room.

There is a new ______ joining my class.

You will need to use the ______ tools to do the job.

I saw a ______ looking for worms in my garden.

I came ______ in the relay race on Sports Day.

_______ our lunch shall we play outside?

Look at the dancer _____ around on the stage.

The ______ is cloudy and rainy today.

The leaves _____ as they fall from the trees.

She will feel ______ after some medicine.

The boy fell into the ______ on the field.

You should ______break the rules.

The fire will _____ the paper.

I _____ myself when I fell in the yard.

I have my pocket money in my ________ .

Is it my ______ to play with the ball?

Watch the water ______ from the hose pipe.

The ______ was very kind to me when I felt ill.


Here are your red words for today

let's fun
any better
lived under


Practise spelling these words using the strategy on the card below.






Watch this video, it uses chocolate to measure perimeter.











Tuesday 30th June


Good morning. Here are your activities for today.




Your sound for today is 'er' better letter. Here is the flashcard for the sound. 


Can you write a letter to a family member?


Here are some words containing the sound 'er.'










Notice the er sound is at the end of each word.

Practise sounding out these words. Now practise reading and spelling them.

Here is the link to the teaching video for today.


Can you think of any other words containing the er sound?


Here are your red words for today.


going wanted
other lots
free where


Practise spelling these words using the strategy on the card below.


There are lots of changes going on at the moment.  Some of you will have had your days confirmed to come back to school for your Catch up and Check in sessions with your teachers.  What are your thoughts about that?  Are you feeling positive about it?  Do you have any negative thoughts?  See if you can change your negative thoughts into positive ones, see the examples on the sheet.


Try these calming exercises today.

Can you make an 'I AM' poster to celebrate all your wonderful qualities. 




Watch this video for more examples on how to find the perimeter.


Watch out for the blackbird in this video!


Have a go at this game.  How many answers can you get before you run out of lives?





Remember to multiply the 2 sides together, for example 5cm x 2cm = ?


Challenge 1 - think about what you know and what you have learnt from the videos to find the missing sides.







Monday 29th June


Good morning! We hope you had a lovely weekend.

Here are your activities for today.




Your sound for today is 'ur' nurse with a purse.

Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Here are some words containing the ur sound.









Can you practise sounding out the words? Now try reading and spelling the words.

Here is the link to the teaching video for today.

Here is another list of ur words. Can you copy them out and underline the ur sound?



Here is another exercise to help practise the ur sound. Read the story, then write in the missing ur words.


Here are your red words for today.

many still
right dog
ran only


Practise reading and spelling these words using the strategy on the card below.




This week we are going to be reflecting and being calm.  School has opened to some of us this week and you might be feeling anxious or worried about that.  There will be changes to keep everyone safe, so we need to feel calm about the situation.

Try making a calming jar for times when you feel anxious or worried.



Try doing some yoga today. These are calm, peaceful exercises. 

Take your time, don't rush and breathe.




We looked at AREA last week, this week we are going to be learning about PERIMETER.  What's the difference?  Let's find out....


You won't get this song out of your head!













Can you make some shopping lists for your family to solve?





Friday 26th June


Good morning!

Here is a poem all about moving and exercise. Copy it using your best handwriting. Remember to use tall letters, letters sitting on and under the line.

Maybe you could write your own poem by adding your own movements. Have fun!



Have you found a favourite way to do some exercise while you have been at home?


Have a try of this skipping challenge.  Will you go for gold, silver or bronze?


Who are you going to ask to be a secret agent with you?  Can you work out their secret number?



Its Friday so you know what that means - Big Maths time!  Here is your Safe challenges, choose one.





Hope you have had a good week and have managed to complete some of the activities.

Enjoy your weekend, stay safe and we will see you on Monday.




Thursday 25th June


Good morning, what a lovely sunny day! Enjoy the sunshine today and remember to look after yourself and keep safe in the sun.




Yesterday we looked at the sound 'are.' Today we will revise the other similar sound to this which is air 'that's not fair!'

Here is the flashcard for the sound

Here is a list of words containing the air and are sounds.

Look at the list of words above and use it to complete the sentences below.


1. My sister will not ______ her toys with me.

2. I like going on rides at Porthcawl _______ .

3. He wouldn't _______to  break the rules. 

4. I am standing on the third _______ .

5. The monster in the film gave me a bit of a _______ .

6. Look how much my ______ has grown!

7. A ________ has four equal sides.

8. The diver came up to the surface as he needed more _______ .

9. In Winter the trees are _______ .

10. Sit on this old, wooden ________ .

11. The dragon crept out of its _______ .


Can you create your own sentences using these words?


Here are your red words for today.

soon want
round animals
night over


Can you find the words in the word search below?


A video to show you how to play 'clock solitaire' with playing cards.  I used to play this all the time when I was your age.  This is a game when you want to have some time by yourself.


Your exercise for today is hula hooping.  How good is Michael in this video.  Have a go and see how good you are.


What has been your happiest moment while you have been home?






Here is an example.



Enjoy this task.  Please send any photos to either your own Google classroom or twitter page.  We love seeing your work.  smiley

Wednesday 24th June


Bore da on this sunny day! Here are your activities for today and remember to keep safe in the sun!




Your sound for today is 'are' care and share. Here is the flashcard for the sound.

Can you think of a time when you cared and shared?

Here are some words containing the are sound.








Practise sounding out the words. Then practise reading and spelling the words. Can you think of any more words with the are sound?


Here is the link to the teaching video for today.


Write each word above into a sentence, remember to underline the best friends.


Here are your red words for today.

more began
say good
again boy

Practise reading the words. Then practise spelling the words using the strategy on the card below.

Can a member of your family guess the word, by using the code? You could develop your own code for each letter. Have fun!



It is going to be another hot day today, so a little video to remind you to be Sunwise!


Enjoy with a family member - make up your own rules.



How about having a go at this.  You only need two tennis balls and a wall.


Here is a Wednesday challenge for you - Catch and clap - how many can you do in one minute?



Calculate the area of these animals? Remember to use square units in your answer. 



What is the area of the monkey's tummy?  Calculate the total area?

Can you make your own animal and ask a member of your family to work out the area?  Draw it out in pencil first, then colour it in.






Fact families.  Here is an example.

Can you make a fact family using the numbers - 8  5  13

Tuesday 23rd June


Bore da! Here are your activities for today.




Today we will look at the sounds or shut the door and aw yawn at dawn.        

Here are the flashcards for these sounds.



Here are some words containing the or and aw sounds.


Can you practise sounding out these words?

Can you practise reading and spelling these words?


Here are some sentences. Use the words above to complete each sentence.

Maybe you could create some of your own for a family member.


1. We ________ the rocket launch.

2. Can you _______ these shapes?

3. Yesterday I got up very early at ________ .

4. I am going to have my hair cut very _________ .

5. It is against the _______ to drive too quickly.

6. The _______ galloped along the beach.

7. The baby has started to _______ .

8. My favourite ________ is rugby.

9. The kitten had injured her _____ .

10. I will use a knife and ______ to eat my lunch.

11. I _______ when I feel tired.

12. The pig gave a loud ______ when it saw the food.


Here are your red words for today.


water find
these live
away can't


Can you practise reading and spelling these using the strategy on the card below?



Schools are starting to open soon and I'm sure you are all looking forward to that.  How about making a jar to record all the things you are going to be looking forward to doing when we are back to 'normal'.



Here are some games for you to play with members of your family.



Another challenge for you.  Will you go for gold, silver or bronze?



Another video for you to watch about area.


Try this game, see how far you can get before you run out of lives!









Can you draw these digital times onto the clocks below.


Monday 22nd June


Bore da! Here are your activities for today.




Your sound for today is 'aw' yawn at dawn.

Here is the flashcard for the sound.

What do you do, see or hear when you wake up early in the morning?

Here are some words which contain the aw sound.









Can you practise sounding out these words. Then practise reading and spelling them .

Here is the link to the teaching video for this sound.


Maybe you can write a silly sentence, using all the words above for what you do at dawn.


Here are your red words for today.


enjoy watched
laugh little
by said


Practise reading and spelling these words using the strategy in the picture below. Cover a coloured piece of paper or card with salt, flour or sugar. You will need to ask an adult to help you. Then write your words and watch them appear.



This week is National Sports Week so we are going to be looking at playing games, inside and outside

Here is a video to introduce you to the exercises.

Here is the first challenge.  Watch the video first before you complete the exercise.



Here is a game you can play with a member of your family - enjoy smiley


We are going to be learning about area and perimeter for the next two weeks.

Watch these video's which explains what 'area' is and how to work it out.


This is a bitesize introduction to show you how to work out an area.

Watch the video, click and drag the answer then try the quiz.





Friday 19th June


Good morning. Mae hin'n bwrw glaw! What a rainy day!!

Today your poem is all about a rainy day. Copy it using your neatest handwriting and with tall letters, letters sitting on and under the line.

Here is another poem , called an acrostic poem, written using the word 'rainy.' Each line of the poem needs to start with each of the letters from your chosen word.

Maybe you could try writing an acrostic poem using a rain related word such as raining, umbrella, puddles.

Here is a link to a story about weather and feelings.




I hope you have all been 'looking after yourselves' this week.  We looked at eating healthily yesterday, we are going to look at 'drinking water' today.


Watch the video to see why we need to drink water.


You can start this today and carry on until next Thursday.



You could do this over the weekend.  Do you have a balanced diet?  Do you have enough to drink?


Let's finish 'looking after ourselves' week with some exercise.  Another way of looking after your body.


Enjoy this with members of your family. smiley



Watch the video, its a song all about different angles.




Remember we used our arms to help remember which angle is which - the bigger you open your arms = obtuse, the smaller you close your arms = acute


Its Friday and I have forgotten it is CLIC day!  I am including the CLIC challenges - decide which one you want to do.






Try your best and remember 'It's nothing new' we have been doing these in class and have been doing some in the Revision section.


Have a lovely weekend.  I hope the weather improves and you manage to get outside for some much needed fresh air and exercise.  Relax and enjoy whatever you do smiley

Thursday 18th June

Good morning on this rainy day! Here is your work for today.



Today we will revise the sounds oo 'poo at the zoo.'


u-e 'huge brute' and ew 'chew the stew.'

Take a look at this list of words containing the sounds above.  Practise reading and sounding out the words.

Then write out the words and put them into groups? One for words with oo, one for words with ew and one for words with u-e

Next try spotting and underlining the best friends in each word.

Finally think of some other words you can add to your lists. Maybe you could write a silly sentence for each sound. One for the  oo, one for the ew and one for the u-e with as many words from your list in each sentence.  For example 'I went to the zoo and saw the moon. I put too much food on my spoon and fell into a pool. ' Have fun!

Here are your red words for today.

enough usual
although thought
open watch


Practise reading and spelling these words. Use the strategy on the card below to help you.



It is important that you look after yourself by eating healthily.  Lets have a look at what we should be eating every day to keep our bodies healthy.

Have you ever felt tired but don't know why?  Watch the video and see if it helps.





Do you think you can make your own fruit/veg face.  Here are some examples :-


See how creative you can be with the fruit and vegetables in your house.  Have fun! smiley




 Can you try some of these. 

For example:-  I am standing looking at my window, I take a whole turn, I am looking at my window again. This time I turn half way and I am looking at my mirror.  If I take a quarter turn I am looking at my T.V.

What will you be looking at when you finish taking the different turns?




The weather today isn't very nice, so how about playing a game with another member of your family. I have given you two to choose from or you could play them both.


Wednesday 17th June


Good morning here are your activities for today.




Your sound for today will be u-e 'huge brute! Here is the flashcard for the sound.

Look at the monster, can you think of some words to describe it?

Here are some words containing the u-e sound.







Here is the link for the teaching video for the u-e sound.

Here are some nonsense words containing the u-e sound. Can you create your own nonsense words with a monster of your own for each word?

Here are your red words for today.

wash write
word world
country warm


Can you practise reading and spelling these words. You could play a game of charades where you write each word on a piece of paper then choose one and act it out. Can your family members guess the word from your actions? Have fun!



Here is another way of looking after yourself - being mindful of how you are feeling  and what you can do to relax yourself.  Have a go at these 2 activities and see how you feel afterwards.



I made one of these yesterday and it was so calming to watch.




How many letters have right angles? Can you make your name?  How many right angles have you got?


When you are outside find some sticks and try and make your name out of them.





Write down your answers in the boxes.

Tuesday 16th June

Good morning! Here are your activities for today.




Your sound for today is o-e 'phone home.'

Here is the flashcard for the sound.

Here are some words containing the o-e sound.







Practise reading the words. Then practise saying the sounds and spelling the words.

Here is the link for the teaching video for this sound.

Can you think of a short story that includes all of the words?


Here are your red words for today.

nice sure
most through
colour heard


Practise reading and spelling these words using the strategy on the card below. Have fun!




We have had lots of sunny days recently.  Do you know how to look after yourself in the sun?


Can you make your own poster to explain how to keep safe in the sun?  Here are a couple of examples to help you. Make yours bold and bright too!




Unfortunately we can't use the beach like the Minions at the moment, but you can use the tips they are sharing.


What makes you smile?  Write all the things that make you smile on the rays of the sun.






How many right angles did you find yesterday in your house? I found a tissue box, my fireplace surround and a picture frame.




If it helps, draw a little square box on the right angles like in the shape picture above.






  What number comes before and after?


  What number comes between the two numbers?

Monday 15th June


Good morning, we hope you had a great weekend. Here is your work for today.



Today we are going to look at the sounds igh and i-e.

Here are some words containing these two sounds.  Can you practise saying the sounds then reading and spelling them?

Did you notice that they both make the same sound?

Here is an activity for you, choose the correct word to complete the sentence.


Here are your red words for today.

often those
baby eight
woman women


Practise reading then spelling these words. Try the strategy on the card below. Have fun!



This week we are going to be looking at 'looking after ourselves'.

Here is a quiz for you to try. See if you can find the correct ways to look after yourself in different situations.






This week we are going to be looking at 'ANGLES'. There are different kinds of angles, today we are going to look at RIGHT ANGLES.





Can you see the RIGHT ANGLES being measured in the house?  Use the 'Muncher' to find right angles in your house.  You need to cut him out very carefully.



What things did you find around the house that were right angles?





Friday 12th June


Good morning and bore da!

Take a look at this poem, all about the month of June. Can you copy it out using your best handwriting? Remember to use tall letters, letters sitting on and under the line and finger spaces too.


Take a look at this quiz you may wish to complete all about you. Can the members of your family guess your answers? Try the quiz on them too, have fun!



Its Friday lets do some exercise to finish the week off.








Can you think of any more you could do?  Remember to colour in your minutes on the clock when you have finished.




Its 'Learn its' Friday! Remember ask someone to time you for 2 minutes and see if you can beat your score from last time.













Have a lovely weekend.  Play, relax and have fun.  See you all on Monday.



Thursday 11th June


Bore da! Here is your work for today.



The sound you will be looking at today is i-e nice smile. Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Here are some words with the sound i-e .







Can you practise reading and spelling these words?

Here is the link for the teaching video for this sound.


Choose a book you have at home and make a list of as many different words containing the i-e sound  as you can.


Here are your red words for today.


both buy
friend laugh
kind pretty


Use this train spelling strategy to practise reading and spelling these words today.



5 ways to wellbeing



What makes YOU feel good?  After completing these activities, we hope you realise all your strengths and the great qualities you have and are proud of yourself because WE are proud of you all.  smiley 



If you have a printer, you can print this out, cut out the pictures and money and play shop!




Remember to use the least coins for the different amounts.  Will you need paper money for this task?


Remember to add the paper notes first, then the coins.





Have you got Lego bricks?  Make your own sums up for someone in your family to solve.  Enjoy! smiley

Wednesday 10th June


Bore da! Here is your work for today.




Today we will look at both the a-e and the ay sound.

Can you spot any words containing the a-e or ay sound in the word search below?


Complete the following sentences by writing in the correct a-e or ay sound.


I like to go out into my garden to _______ .

The teacher told me to write the _______ in my book.

What ______ is it today?

Would you like some birthday _______?

________ I have some more water please?

The man said the car park is this _______ .

What did your sister ________ on the phone?

The dog's ________ is Sam.

If I miss the bus I will be _______ for school.

I am wearing the ______ shoes as my friend.

I will _______ the plants with water to help them grow.

Shall we _______ a card for my Mum's birthday?


Here are your red words for today.

door money
picture doing
does done


Use the strategy on the card below to practise reading and spelling the words. Ask a family member to help you.





A read aloud book called My strong mind about a little girl called Katie


This is about Katie's friend Jack



Have another look at the websites from yesterday (scroll down to find them).

Try some of the other money games.

Remember you can always look at '' or 'bbcbitesize' to find more games and videos to watch.




You will need coins for this one.  Draw the least amount of coins to give the customers.






Tuesday 9th June


Good morning! Here is your work for today.




Your sound for today sounds like the sound from yesterday. It is 'ay' may I play?

Here is the sound card for that sound.

You may remember it from a while ago.

Here are some words containing the 'ay' sound.








Can you practise sounding out, reading and spelling these words?

Here is the link to the teaching video for this sound.

Tomorrow we will look at both the a-e and the ay sound together.

Can you think of any more words which contain the ay sound? Maybe you could write a silly sentence with as many ay words as you can!


Now for your red words.


going goes
gone know
school work


Can you practise reading and spelling these words using Lego blocks, as in the pictures below? There are a few ways you could do it. Have fun!



Tomorrow I'll be brave a read aloud book.


A great song by Fatcat - I feel good


What are you going to do today to make yourself FEEL GOOD ?


Scroll down to 'How much change (pence)' first then you could try 'How much money (pounds' and you can also try 'Calculating change'

After you finish those, click on 'Videos' at the top and watch 'paying the price'


Another game to play, this time using a calculator to find the change.

Scroll down to video.  Click on number 1 - Find the cost of 2 items and change from a £1.  Click on the arrow to start.  Add the 2 items using the calculator. How much change will you have, click the answer you think is correct.









Think of 5 odd numbers, try using 2 digits and 3 digit numbers.  Can you do the same for the even numbers?


Can you colour the other side to match?



Monday 8th June


Bore da and good morning. Let's see your work for today....




Today your sound is a-e 'make a cake.' Here is the flashcard for the sound.

Can you think of an action to go with the sound and phrase?


Let's look at some words containing the a-e sound.









Can you practise sounding out, then reading and spelling these words?

Can you see the best friends are not together in this word?  Remember 'where's my friend, he's on the end.'

Lets look at the teaching video for this sound.

Try to write a sentence for each word above.


Here are your red words for today.

find these
once saw
every very


Try reading and spelling these words using the strategy on the card. Have fun!

If you cannot find a dice write numbers 1 to 6 on separate pieces of paper. Turn them over so you cannot see them and mix them up. Then choose one. Have fun!


This week we are going to be 'Celebrating Ourselves'


This is a lovely book read by the author Sophy Henn.  It's called Super Duper You.  At the end she shows you how to draw the main character.


This week we are going to be looking at giving change.

Here are 2 videos that you can watch.  One explains about giving change and the other is a game for you to play. click on 'mixed coins' then 'give change' and 'up to 20p'  if you want to have a go at the next one 'up to £1' that's fine.  Have fun! scroll down and click on 'video' watch this first.  Then you can click on 'questions' as they explain more in depth.




Write how much money they had in the first box. How much change in the last box.





I think I have given you lots of work today so I won't give you any revision. 

You can always play 'shopping' with someone in your family.  Who will be the shopkeeper and who will be the customer?


Friday 5th June


Well hasn't that week gone quickly! Friday already!

Here is you English and Maths work for today.




Here is a lovely poem all about how special you are. Copy it out and fill in the blanks using words to describe yourself. Read it to yourself once you have written it and give yourself a big well done!



Here is a link to a lovely animated story all about a mirror reflection.

What lovely things would your reflection say about you?


Try making a mirror like this, you could use foil for the mirror part. Write lovely words to describe yourself all around the mirror. You can ask family members to give you some words to write too.





This video shows you how  we can care for our Earth.



Try painting the Earth and use the outline of you hand/hands to hold it up as if you are caring for it.

Like the examples below.






Today we are going to try and complete our Safe challenges. Do the one you feel comfortable with.









Thursday 4th June


Good morning, here is your work for today.




Yesterday you did the sound oi 'spoil the boy.'

Can you remember there is another set of best friends which make the same sound. These are  oy 'toy for a boy.'

Here are the two sounds.


Can you think of a silly sentence using as many of the words above as you can?


Read this story, write out all the oi and oy words you can see.



Now let's look at your red words for today, they are in the grid below.

any many
don't because
walk talk

Practise reading and spelling these words by writing them on pieces of paper, then ask and adult to hide them around the house. Can you find them? Then try reading or spelling them for extra points?




It is Child Safety week this week.

Unfortuately the closing date has passed for the competition, but you can always draw/paint your own poster to raise awareness and give tips on how to :- 

stay safe at home

when you are outside near roads 

internet safety 

how to stay safe when near water  

how to keep yourself safe.

Choose one of the above, remember to use big lettering, make it colourful, think of a catchy slogan.



This is a great book called 'I like myself'

I hope you like yourself.  Remember we have talked about everybody being different and unique, you just need to be who you are.






We are going to look at the topmarks games again today.  This one is called Coin Cruncher.  Click on 'Make the total'  - 'Pounds'  - 'Easy'



Here is a video explaining all the notes we have in the UK.



Let's try some worksheets now.







Can you remember how to do a fact family?



Wednesday 3rd June



Good morning here is your English and Maths work for today.


The sound we will look at today will be oi 'spoil the boy.' Here is the flashcard for the sound.

Here are some words containing the oi  sound:





Here is the link to the teaching video for the oi sound.


Here is an activity based on the oi sound. 



Now for your red words.

call give
live right
their new


Try reading these, then practise spelling the words using the strategy below.



Who likes food?  Seeing as the weather isn't very nice today, while you stay in how about making some of these yummy kebabs.


While you are making things for you to eat, how about making some of these 'cookies' for the birds to eat.  Don't get them mixed up though smiley



Custom Cars - buy cool things to add to your car

Start at Level 3 and work your way up.



See if you can work out the challenge sums at the end.



You can only use 3 coins for every circle.  Can you make 4 different amounts?






What is the time on these clocks?


How far can you count up to in 5's?



Fill in the missing numbers.

Tuesday 2nd June


Good morning, bore da! Here is your work for today.




Can you remember the sound we looked at yesterday? It was the sound ea 'cup of tea.'

There is also another set of best friends which make this sound, these are 'ee' 'what can you see?'

Here are the two sounds together.


Now read this story and write down all the ee and ea words you can find.


Look at these words and write a story of your own containing as many of the ee or ea words as you can. Can a family member spot them?




Now that we are into June I wonder how many of these activities you can manage to do this month.


Listen to this song - it's by Lenny Sherwins

You are unique, there is no one else in the world just like you, so enjoy being YOU.




Take a look at this website, there are lots of games here.

Click on Mixed coins then Exact money then up to 20p if you find that easy go up to £1


See if you can find some coins around the house.  You will need 1p, 2p, 5p and a 10p.  Draw around the coins to find how many ways you can make 10p by using the different value coins.







 Remember we have done these in class, they might be set out differently but 'It's nothing new',      don't panic, think it through and have a go. smiley






You could use a numberline for these.

Monday 1st June



Good morning. Today we will be starting on Set Three Sounds!

Your sound for today will be ea  'cup of tea.' Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Here are some words which contain  the ea sound.








Can you practise sound out these words? Then try reading and spelling them. here is the link for the teaching video for the ea sound.


Now try writing each of the words into a sentence.


Here are your red words for today.


father water
again always
blue four


Today can you practise spelling these by seeing how many times you can write each word in a minute? Try competing against a family member, who can write the word the most number of times?

Have fun.



Wellbeing is looking after yourself to make you feel good.  There are lots of ways to make you feel good about yourself.  Here is one way - think of things you like about yourself, it could be the way you look from the outside (I like my hair) or the way you behave (I like being polite) or the way you feel inside (I like the way I can stay calm). 



For the next two weeks we are going to be looking at money.

Lets listen to a song to get us in the mood smiley


Look at this video to help understand the different coins we have in the UK.




Find some 1p coins in your house and draw around them.





Since you have found some 1p's how about doing some coin rubbing.  All you need is some paper, coloured pencils/crayons and 1p coins.  Lay the 1p coins under the paper and rub all over the coin with your pencil or crayon.  How many different coloured coins can you make?





Can you draw the hands on the clock to match the digital time.




Can the add up these sums.


When doing the division sums, count in 4's until you get to the first number for example :-                         12 divide by 4 = 3 (4 + 4 + 4 = 3 lots of 4 = 12)



Bore da! Today it is Friday and here is a poem to copy out in your neatest handwriting. It is a poem all about kindness. Remember to use finger spaces, tall letters and letters sitting on and under the line.

Here is a lovely song all about spreading kindness. We hope you enjoy.



Its Friday yay!  You have had some amazing activities to do this week and we hope you have had a go and enjoyed them.  Today we are going to do our Clic Big Maths.  Try and do the one that suits you.








Draw the hands on the clock to match the time.




     Can you complete the addition sums.



Fact families. Remember to add the 2 smaller numbers first, do your 'switcher' for the second addition sum. Put the biggest number at the start of the take away sums.



Next week is half term holiday so we won't be setting any work.  Hopefully the sun will be shining and you can have fun outside. Take time out with your family, relax and chill and enjoy your week off.  You have worked hard over the past few weeks, so its your turn to switch off from work and concentrate on enjoying yourselves. 


Thursday 21st May



Today we will go over some more Set Two sounds. These are:

air: that’s not fair

ir: twirl and whirl

ou: shout it out

oy: toy for a boy


Here are some words for each sound:

air   fair, stair, hair, air, chair, lair

ir: girl, bird, third, whirl, twirl, dirt

ou: out, shout, loud, mouth, round, found

oy: toy, boy, enjoy


Can you practise reading and spelling these words today. Again, ask an adult to read each word and then you try spelling it. Remember to underline the best friends. Check your answers.

Now choose a sound and try drawing a picture to represent that word. Like this Have fun!







We are carrying on with the theme of 'Kindness' today. Chose a member of your family or friend and think of kind words you could use to describe them.  Write each word down and create a kindness flower for them, like the one below. You could also do one for yourself too. It is important to be kind to yourself and others. Have great fun!



I hope you can remember the properties of the 3D shapes we looked at yesterday (scroll down if you can't).

Can you fill out the worksheet.


The last 9 are the trickiest ones!


I wonder if you can have a go at making your own 3D shape by using a net. 

You will need a sheet of paper and a ruler .  Try and follow the instructions, the sides all have to be the same size as each other.



Watch the video, then scroll down and see if you can  match the shape to the correct net. Drag the shape into the box and click on 'check' to see if you are right.



Have a go at these :-

  Add the 2 digit numbers together (you can use your doubling for first one)




What are the missing numbers?



Wednesday 20th May


Good morning. Here are your English and Maths activities for today. Keep up all the fantastic work you have been doing. You have made us all very proud.




Today we will be revising some more of the Set Two sounds. Here is a link to the Set Two sounds again.


We will look at these sounds today:

oo: poo at the zoo (too, zoo, food, pool, moon, spoon)

oo: look at a book (took, look, book, shook, cook, foot)

ar: start the car (car, star, part, start, hard, sharp)

or: shut that door (sort, short, horse, sport, fork, snort)


Can you sound out and read each of the words?

Next ask an adult to read each word to you and try writing it yourself. Remember to underline the best friends as you write each word.


Can you think of a  silly sentence containing each of the words?

For example 'I went to the zoo. I put too much food on my spoon. I fell in a pool.

You try the words for oo, at and or.




Following on from our focus on Kindness chart yesterday, take a look at this lovely animation.

Think about the different acts of kindness you can see. Think about how the person who receives kindness feels.


Have a go at making a family kindness jar. Here is some information. 

Today, see if you can colour your world with kindness!






Yesterday we looked at what edges, faces and vertices meant. Today we are going to take a look at the properties of different shapes.






Tomorrow we will complete some worksheets to see if you have remembered what the properties of different shapes are.



I forgot to add to this section yesterday, so I am going to give you double today wink.


Can you draw the hands on the clock to match the digital time?



Can you find the total of these doubles?



Colour half of the toys


Enjoy all the activities today.  Be proud of all your hard work and remember to be kind to yourself and your family.  Have a lovely day smiley

Tuesday 19th May


Bore da! Here are you English and Maths activities for today.



Well done to you! You have now looked at all of the Set Two sounds!

Today we are going to go over them.

Here are all of the sounds you have done in Set Two. Can you remember them?


Here is a link to a video to help you to go over all the Set Two sounds.


Here are some words containing the first four of the Set Two Sounds.

Ask an adult to read  out each word and you write the word. Remember to underline the best friends.

Once you have written all the words, check them and mark them.

ay: May I play? (day, play, may, way, say, spray)

ee: What can you see? (see, three, been, green, seen, sleep)

igh: Fly high (high, night, light, fright, bright, might)

ow: Blow the snow (blow, snow, low, show, know, slow)


Well done to you!



Here is a task for you all about kindness.

Look at the chart below, can you carry out one act of kindness each day? Maybe you can think of your own.







Did you have a go at drawing some 3d shapes yesterday?  I wonder if you could join them up to make a house, castle, shop?


Today we are going to be looking at what these words mean - edges, vertices, faces.

Here is a video to help you  explain the meanings.


Let's try these worksheets now.



Hope you enjoy the activities today.  It is Mental Health awareness week and the focus is on KINDNESS.  So here is a lovely video/song for you.


Remember as well as being kind to others, be kind to yourself. smiley

Monday 18th May


Good morning, I hope you had a lovely weekend in the sunshine.

Here are your English and Maths activities for today.



Your sound for today is 'oy' toy for a boy. Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Here are some words containing the oy sound.






Practise reading and spelling these words. Can you think of any others?

Create a silly sentence using as many oy words as you can.


Here is the link for the teaching video for the oy sound.



Here are your red words for today.


came see
before like
make made


Can you practise reading and spelling these words.  You could play hopscotch in your garden to learn your words. Like this

Or you could create an indoor hopscotch game using paper and coloured pens. Have fun!


This week we are going to be looking at 3D shapes.


3D shapes I know


A comic book style book 'Captain Invincible'          


A little song that might help you remember the shapes


How to draw 3D shapes - this looks fun.


Now that you know some 3D shapes have a go at naming some!





I wonder how many different 3D shaped objects you can find around your house. Get hunting! smiley


I am going to put some REVISION activities on every day. 'Its nothing new', we have practised these in school before - have a go!



How about doing some animal yoga today!  How many of these can you do?  Ask someone in your family to join you. Which was your favourite?  Which one did you find hard?  What was the easiest?





Friday 15th May


Good morning. Here are your English and Maths activities for today.



Today your task is to create a rainbow for your name. Write your name in a cloud then cut out a strip of paper for each letter of your name. Colour in the strips of paper and then write a word to describe yourself on each strip, beginning with each letter of your name. 

Here are some examples.


Here is a list of adjectives you may use to help you.

Have fun and remember how wonderful you really are!




Its Frriiddaayy!  Let's do our usual 'Beat that Learn It's' We haven't done these in a while, so I hope you remember which level you are on.  If you can't, then do the one you feel comfortable with.  Remember you can always challenge yourself and try another level.  Have someone time you for 2 minutes and count up how many you had correct.  Ready, steady, GO!







We hope you are managing to complete the work/activities and you are enjoying them.

We are so proud of you all trying your best every day. Have a super weekend, remember to relax, chill, do something you like, be kind and look after yourself.



Thursday 14th May


Good morning, here are your English and Maths activities for today.


Our sound for today will be 'ou' shout it out!

Can you shout out the ou sound?


The flashcard for this sound is


Here are some words containing the ou sound.









Can you practise saying each sound in the word?

Here is the link for the teaching video.


Now try reading and spelling these words using look, say, cover, write and check.  You may wish to use this to help you. There are some other ou words on there too.


These are your red words for today.


could would
should other
mother another


Practise reading and spelling these words. Try using fancy letters to practise. Have fun!


Let's continue with halving. Use what you know to solve these below. Remember 'It's nothing new!'





See if you can find things around the house you can split in half (equally).  Perhaps you can use felt pens, straws, forks, pegs, pasta, socks.

If you click on 'halves' then try 'multiply by 10' first.  If you enjoy that, try some of the other halving ones.  There are other games on there you might want to give a go too.


Let us know if you enjoyed the games.  Have a lovely day smiley

Wednesday 13th May


Bore da pawb. Here are your English and Maths activities for today.




Our sound for today will be ir, The phrase for this sound is whirl and twirl. Can you whirl and twirl?


Here is the flashcard for this sound.


Here are some words containing the sound ir.








Can you practise sounding out these words. You could make some flashcards of your own. Where are the best friends in the words? Does the word have any tall letters, does it have any vowels? 

Does the word have any letters which sit under the line?

Now have a go at spelling the words. Remember to underline the best friends.


Here is the link to the teaching video for the ir sound.


Now for the red words.


now been
which out
our about


Practise reading and spelling these words. Try using this game today, you can play it with a family member. Have fun!





We are carrying on with halving today.  Remember 'It's Nothing New', if you know 3, 5, 7, 9 you know  30, 50, 70, 90


Watch the video first to help you.






When you are out in the garden or going for a walk today for your exercise, look around you for things to make a picture.  This could be leaves, twigs, grass, pebbles, flowers (be sensible with this one - don't go picking flowers from gardens!).  Then make a picture with your collection.



We would love to see a picture of your creation.  If you can, take a picture and 'tweet' it or post on your goggle class page.  Enjoy smiley



Tuesday 12th May


Bore da! Here are your English and Maths activities for today.



The sound for today is 'air' that's not fair! Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Here are some words which contain the sound air.







Practise reading and spelling these words.

Can you write a silly sentence containing as many of the words as possible?

Here is the link to the teaching video for the air  sound.


Here are our red words for today.


or little
down first
look more


Can you practise reading and spelling these words? Today try using upper and lower case letters to write your words.





We are going to look at halving odd numbers today.


Take a look at this video first. 






Have a go at making your own wish jar.  Here are a couple of examples.



Decorate how you wish! What will you wish for when lock down is over?  Write your wishes on paper and put in your jar.

My top 3 would be :- I wish I could give my children a big cwtch, I wish I could have my grand daughter to stay, I wish I could go down Portcawl.


A lovely book all about wishes.  




Monday 11th May

Good morning. Here are your English and Maths activities for today.


The sound we will look at today is 'or' shut the door!

Here is the flashcard.


Here are some words containing the or sound.









Here is the link to the video for the or sound.

Can you write a sentence for each word in the list above?


Our red words for today are:


what why
old two
who when


Can you practise these words by creating a spelling flower? You may think of another picture you coud draw Have fun! .




Use this video to help with the worksheets.


Share the counters between Batman and Robin and put your answers in the circles.


If you find that easy, try this one.

Can you think of anything else you can share?

A fun little activity to try today, either on your own or one or more of your family members.

How did that make you feel?  Remember an old wives tale - LAUGHTER is the best medicine! laughsmiley

Thursday 7th May


Good morning! Today our work will be linked to VE (Victory in Europe) Day, this occurs tomorrow and will mark 75 years since the defeat of Germany by the Allied Forces during World War Two.

Celebrations will be held across the country and you may well be involved. You may spot red, white and blue bunting or flags decorating houses.


Our poem for handwriting this week, will be linked to VE Day. Remember to use tall letters, letters sitting on and under the line and finger spaces. Here is the poem.

Watch this video, it shows the celebrations and the news from 75 years ago.


We'll Meet Again - by Dame Vera Lynn (you might be singing this tomorrow)

Did you know Vera Lynn is still alive, she is 103 years old.  She is going to be singing this song with Welsh singer Catherine Jenkins at the VE celebrations on television.


Have a go at this wordsearch.  See if you can make one of your own if you can't print it out. 


How about making some bunting to decorate your house/garden ready for tomorrow.  Here are some ideas for you. Are you going to have a 'social distance' party?  What are you going to eat? Are you going to dress up? Would love to see your pictures. 




Lots of ideas for you. Enjoy making them and enjoy all the celebrations tomorrow. If you can please add some pictures onto Twitter or your Class pages so we can see all the lovely things you have done.


There will be no activities set for tomorrow as it is a bank holiday for V.E. day.

Have a lovely, safe weekend and we will 'see' you back here on Monday.



Wednesday 6th May


Bore da! A lovely sunny day today. here are some English and Maths activities for you to try today.



The sound we will look at today is 'ar' start the car. Can you draw a picture to represent the sound?


Here is a list of words containing the sound ar.








Can you practise reading and spelling these words? Here is the link to the lesson on this sound.


Now for our red words for today.


come some
where over
she after


Why don't you practise reading and spelling these words by creating a mnemonic for each one.

Here is a link to a video to explain what a mnemonic is.

Have a try!


We are going to look at half of a shape today.

Look at this video to help you first.




This is a nice book about sharing things equally.


Can you draw some shapes and cut them in half.

Can you find things around the house that you can fold in half so each side is equal.


A lovely video showing you how to share so you each have half.

Can you share with another person in your family? Find things around the house you can share equally with the other person - pencils, lego, sweets, biscuits.

Have fun smiley

Tuesday 5th May

Good morning here are some lovely activities for you today.


Our sound for today will be 'oo' as in look at a book.

Here is the flashcard for the sound.



Now click on the link and watch our oo lesson for today.


Here are some words containing the sound oo.








Can you practise reading and spelling these words? Maybe you could make your own flashcards. Remember to say each sound in the word and finger spell each sound too. Where are the best friends in the word? Are there any tall letters in the word, are there any letters that go under the line? Are there any vowels? You could be teacher and test a family member by showing them the word for five seconds then removing it and asking them the questions.


Our red words for today are:


has here
there were
want your


Today can you practise these words by writing each letter in the word using dots. Then connect the dots to create the word.





We are going to look at halves today.

Can you draw the other half of the butterfly? Colour it in with bright colours.




Next can you paint a butterfly? Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. Drip some paint on ONE half of the paper, fold the other half over the painted one. Gently smooth out the paper, open it out and let it dry. Fold it back in half and cut out a butterfly shape. You can add some antenna with black paper/card or pipe cleaners.


When you draw a line through the middle of the butterfly, you have two halves which are mirror images of each other.  We call this SYMMETRY.


Take a look at this book showing different lines of symmetry.





Monday 4th May


Good morning and bore da! I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Here are our English and Maths activities for today.




The next sound we will look at is the sound 'oo.'

You may remember the phrase for this sound is 'poo at the zoo!'

Here is the flashcard for the oo sound.



Here is a link to a video where you can learn to read and spell words containing the oo sound.


Here are some words with the oo sound. Can you practise reading and spelling them?








Here is a link to a game to help you practise the oo sound.


Here are our red words for today.


  do   from
go one
into many


Now practise reading and spelling these words by writing out each word backwards! Can your family members guess the words? Have fun!




Let's carry on with our tables.  Today we are going to do the 3 and 4 times tables.


3 times table song


4 times table  (be careful they go backwards)


A clever little trick for learning your 4 times tables


Lets have a go at doing some worksheets.







A little song for today - Don't worry about a thing

We hope you haven't got any worries.  Sing along to this song and if you have any worries, they will hopefully be gone before you get to the end smiley

Friday 1st May


Good morning everyone, it is the first of May today!

I know lots of you have been enjoying reading activities this week linked to Book Trust Pyjama Rama. There is a celebration today, here is the line up of events.


For our class work today we will write out a poem about reading. I know lots of you have been doing lovely activities related to books and reading this week.


Read to Me

Read to me riddles and read to me rhymes
Read to me stories of magical times
Read to me tales about castles and kings
Read to me stories of fabulous things
Read to me pirates and read to me knights
Read to me dragons and dragon-book fights
Read to me spaceships and cowboys and then
When you are finished- please read them again


By Jane Yolen



Books are for Looks

Books are for looks; a look for a tale
Of possible a lion, a tiger, or a whale.

A look for adventure, exciting, intense
With mystery unfolding and growing suspense.

A look for a fact, to inform or relate,
A picture, a poem, or a word to locate.

You never can tell when you start to look
What interesting things may come in a book!


By Isabelle Spooner

Here are some handwriting cards to help you with letter formation.

Here is a link to a fun story you may like to hear.




Thursday 30th April


Good morning!


I hope you enjoyed our work from yesterday.

The sound we will be looking at today is 'ow.'


Here is the flashcard.


Here is the video for the ow sound

Here is a song with lots of words containing the ow sound.

Here is the worksheet for the ow sound. Can you practise reading and spelling these words? You could write your own song like the one in the clip above!


Here are our red words for today.


so all
by for
no my


To practise spelling these red words try using a spelling scribble like this one in the picture. Try to make it as colourful as you can!





Let's try  some tables today.  We will start off with the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

I have found some videos to refresh your memory before you start the worksheets.

2 times tables


5 times tables


10  times tables





A song and a book to finish with.  Have a lovely day everyone.

Where is your favourite 'cosy nook'?  Do you have a favourite book? Mine is Charlie and the chocolate factory - all those lovely sweets yum yum.



Clark the Shark

Remember there is a time and a place for everything - stay COOL.  


Wednesday 29th April


Bore da!

Here are our English and Maths activities for today.



Our sound for today is 'igh' fly high.

Here is the flashcard for the sound.


Let's take a look at the clip for the igh sound.


Can you practise reading and spelling the words containing the igh sound?

This may help you.











The kite was ______ up in the sky.

The monster gave me a _______ .

Look at that ______ star in the sky.

A hedgehog usually comes out at ______ .

My sister asked me to switch on the _______ .

I ______ join an after school club.

Now let's look at our red words for today.


he her
be said
we they


Today try our 'one minute' challenge. Choose one word at a time and see how many times you can write it in a minute! Ask a family member to compete with you. Who will win?





Lets try counting backwards today.





Can you find any small  stones out in your garden or when you go out for a walk. Write/paint numbers on them.  When dry, mix them all up and try putting them in order.

Put them in order from the biggest to smallest.

Put them in order and take out certain ones and ask someone in your family to put in the missing numbers. Swap over and you put in the missing numbers.

Ask someone in your family to start putting them in order from a certain number (3). 

Can you think of any other ways you can use your stones?  If you haven't got stones, you can always use paper/card.






A little song and book for you to think about.  Its all very strange, unusual and uncertain at the moment, so I thought these would help you out.  Keep smiling and be happy smiley

Tuesday 28th April


Good morning everyone!


Let's take a look at some English and Maths activities today.


Our sound of the day today will be 'ee.'


Watch this clip of the ee sound.


Now can you practise reading and spelling these words containing the 'ee' sound?









Can you write a sentence for each word?


Here are some links to interactive workbooks which will help you to practise the sounds.

Speed sounds set 1

Speed sounds set 2 and 3


This link has excellent interactive activities based on the sounds, take a look.


Now for our red words for today.


me as
are you
have his


Can you use the spelling strategy we use called 'ransom notes' to practise these words?

You will need to cut out each letter from an old magazine or newspaper to make up each word.





Choose the Clic level you are on in class.  If you can't remember, try the one you feel comfortable doing.  If you find it is too easy, go up to the next Clic.  If you find it too hard, then go down one.






If you have any problems please get in touch with Mrs Witheridge and we will see what we can do to help.

A little song for you today all about reading.

It is reading week this week and I have found a great audio book for you to listen to.

After you have finished listening to it, you will probably be feeling hungry.  I know I did wink

Perhaps you can make your own creative sandwich for lunch. Take a picture (on your phone) or draw a picture of your sandwich.  Then enjoy it.

Monday 27th April


Good morning everyone! I hope you had a lovely weekend.


There will be a 'sound of the day' posted each day on the website. It will be a sound from our Freshstart scheme.  


Today the sound is 'ay' may I play?



Watch this clip to learn all about the 'ay' sound.




Can you remember any words containing the sound 'ay?'


Here are some words:









Can you write each word into a sentence. Don't forget to underline the 'best friends.'

Now for a challenge! Can you a write a silly sentence with all the words?



Now let's look at our red words. Those are the words we have to learn by looking at them.


Our red words for today are:


I is
of the
to was


Can you use rainbow writing to write out each red word?


Like this


Have fun!

Zumba Kids (easy dance) - I like to move it

Its Monday morning, so lets all MOVE IT  - enjoy smiley

Friday 24th April


Good morning all.  I cant believe its Friday already.


Lets have a go at partitioning numbers. Get someone in your family to write out some 2 digit (35) and 3 digit (258) numbers for you to solve.



This is a book about being kind.

What does being kind mean to you?  How can you be kind today?  

Think of different way you can be kind to your family and make a difference to them.

Because its Friday and its a happy, sunny day listen to this video.  I hope you enjoy it.


Have a lovely weekend and stay safe. smiley

Thursday 23rd April


Morning everyone a lovely sunny day again. How lucky are we with this weather smiley


Today you are going to revise the sounds you have been learning in school. Listen to the videos to refresh your memories. Then you can find things around the house or garden with those sounds. There are quite a few  on the videos, so only pick 1 or 2.  If you find that easy, try finding those sounds in a book/magazine/paper and writing them in your workbook.




In my heart -  a  book about feelings.


How is your heart feeling today?

Draw a big heart shape on a piece of paper and draw how you are feeling today smiley sad surprise angry crying

Wednesday 22nd April


Hello everyone.  Hope you are all ok and enjoying the lovely weather.


Today lets try writing our WARM UP for Maths.  Can you remember what we include every day in class? See if I missed any out!  I have written examples in  (red)


Say the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 times tables

Count on from _____ in _____  (36 in 2's)

Count back in 10's from ______  (78)

Double - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (try and mix them up)

Half of - 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 (try mixing them up)

10 more than ______ (24)

10 less than _______  (97)

What two numbers are next in this sequence - (45) ____,  _____


You can use these, and the English ones from yesterday, to practise every day. Just like we do when we are in school.


This is called Kim's game.

Ask someone in your family to look at the picture and try and remember where/what the objects are.

Without them looking, cover one of the objects with your finger or piece of paper, see if they can remember what the  missing object was.

Swop over, see who can remember the most.


See how many films you know.  I enjoyed this one.       


Tuesday 21st April


Bora da plant.  We hope you are able to understand and work through these activities on your own or with help from family members. Please comment on your class pages if you are having any problems with the work.



Today you are going to be 'teacher'. 

Write out a daily WARM UP for someone in your family to complete.

Try just writing out our English one today.

Days of the week, months of the year, how many days in a week, how many days in a fortnight, how many months in a year, how many minutes in an hour, how many hours in a day.


Challenge - what month comes before (choose a month), what day comes after (choose a day)


Remember to write out the answers, so you can check the person you asked gives you the correct answer. smiley

Ask someone in your family to look at the picture for 2 minutes.  Then ask them some questions about it.

For example :- how many people are sitting under dryers,  how many pictures are on the wall, what is the man doing on the floor.


How good is their memory?  You can swap over and they can ask you some questions too.


If you want to listen to a Harry potter story and some exercise at the same time click on the youtube link.

Monday 20th April


Welcome back to 'school'.  Hope you all enjoyed your Easter holidays. A bit different for you all this year, but hope you managed to relax and chill, enjoyed time with your family and got in touch with your friends through social media.

Your first activity is :- write about your best day during the holiday. Add lots of details to your work.  Use your work book from the home pack and remember to add the date.


We would love to hear all your good news, so if you can, please add your work to your class page on google classroom.  smiley



Another great activity you can do.


Some great easy science experiments you can try out.

Friday 3rd April

Hello girls and boys.  I hope you are all well and you are keeping safe.


Some more Easter activities for you to try :-


Easter Maracas


You will need :-

plastic egg

2 plastic spoons

some rice



Half fill the egg with some rice.  Position the spoons either side of the egg, carefully wrap the tape around the spoons.

Shake and jiggle away wink


Remember to use 'what you know' or look back at the tables chart to help you.


Salt dough Easter eggs


1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water

Stir together all three ingredients until a dough forms. Kneading the dough a couple times can help make it smoother.

Roll it out ( to 1/4 inch thick) and cut out desired shapes.

Place the salt dough Easter eggs on the parchment-covered baking sheets. Remember to make a hole so you can hang them — a straw works perfectly!

Bake at 250F/130C for 2 hours.

When cool,  paint with one colour.  When dry decorate with dots, stripes, glitter.  Add twine/string to hang.

Admire your achievements, you have worked hard.  Well done smiley



We would like to say a big THANK YOU for all your hard work over the past couple of weeks.


It has been a very hard time for everyone.  You have probably been missing your friends (hopefully you have been able to chat on social media) and missing your routine in school.  I know that we have been missing you.  All the chatter and the questions you have for us every day, its awfully quiet without you.


You will be pleased to hear that we will not be putting any activities on here for the next two weeks.  That will give you plenty of chance to enjoy the holidays with your family.  Make sure you take time for some exercise and fresh air, give yourself some fun challenges, chill, listen to some music, dance (when no one is looking!), read a book/magazine, learn something new.  Be kind and thoughtful to brothers and sisters (if you have any) and help out around the house when you can.


Some online games for you to try during the holidays.


ENJOY your Easter break.  HAVE FUN and don't eat tooooooo many eggs laugh.




We will start back on Monday 20th April  -   see you then.   Keep safe all


Thursday 2nd April

Morning everyone. Hope you are all well. smiley


A fantastic video, walking through the Natural Museum in Washington D.C. It includes a dinosaur exhibit


Can you name any of the dinosaurs you saw?  Is your favourite shown? What other animals did you see?



Some Easter activities for you. 



Can you make your own Co-ordinate chart for someone in your family to solve? 



Wednesday 1st April



Cut out an egg shape out of card.  Wrap foil around the front (put some cellotape on the back to hold it). Decorate your egg with some colourful sharpies.



Have you tried cooking yet?  How about starting with these yummy chocolate nests.

You will need :  paper cases, chocolate, weetabix/cornflakes, chocolate eggs

Melt the chocolate in a microwave (ask for help with this), put the weetabix or cornflakes into a big bowl, tip the melted chocolate into the weetabix/cornflakes (be careful the chocolate will be hot) and stir really well.  Pile into paper cases, make a dip in the middle with a spoon and add your eggs (as many as you want). Leave in the fridge to set.

Make sure you share with your family!   Have fun and enjoy.

Tuesday 31st March

Morning all hope you are all ok.

Some Easter activities for you today. I don't know if you can print this out, if not, copy out the table on a piece of paper or card and enjoy playing the game.



Again if you can't print this out, draw the table and draw and colour in the missing objects.  See if you can complete it.  Good luck.

Monday 30th March

Monday morning, start of another week. Hope you all had a great weekend.  Would love to hear what you have been doing, head over to Google classroom and leave a comment.


Can you write about how you have been feeling. What different emotions you have had.  What made you feel happy? Do you feel tired - why? Have you felt proud of something you did or said?

Use the paper in your home pack and date it.

Something for you to make using pegs, foam sticks/card, glue

Saturday 28th March

Morning  all. No work today, its the weekend - yay!

Hope you are all ok and keeping yourself safe.

This weekend try to be kind and thoughtful.  

Do things that make you happy.  ENJOY



Friday 27th March

Morning all. How about sticking to our Friday routine today.


Maths - complete your CLIC and SAFE worksheets from your home pack (remember to add the date).


English - handwriting practise. Choose a book/magazine/paper and copy out a paragraph or two in your best writing on the lined paper enclosed in your home packs (remember the date).

Thursday 26th March

Another lovely dry, sunny day. Hope you are making time to relax during these long days indoors.


How about trying to find as many words as you can in the word  r e l a x i n g

An example - ear

Write as many as you can in your work book.  Remember to write the date too.

Homemade Microwave Puffy Paint

Start with one cup of flour and mix in 3 teaspoons of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of salt and enough water to make it the consistency of pancake batter.  Divide the mix into four parts and put them into snack size Ziploc bags along with some food colouring. Part of the fun is squishing it all around to mix up the colours!

Rubber band the bags like you would if you were icing a cake and snip off the teeniest little bit of the tip.

Paint away! When you’re finished, pop the painting into the microwave for 30-45 seconds and watch the paint puff up and grow – such fun!

Wednesday 25th March

Hello everybody, here are some links to the resources we use in class. You may wish to use them to practise your sounds, reading or spellings.

Have fun!


You can make your own snakes and ladders game using your spelling words

Here are some useful links to YouTube videos to help you practise your sounds.

Set 1 sounds link is    

Set 2 sounds link is


Here are some Maths activities too.

