Friday 12th February 2021
You might like to start your day with some stretches and then we can get creative.
On Sunday it is St Valentine's Day. Today you might like to make a special card for someone you love. Here are a few ideas:
As it's the start Of Chinese New Year today also, you might like to make some delicious rice for someone you love too. Well done to everyone who guessed that this is the year of the OX. The ox is a hard working animal - just like all of you!
Jewelled Rice
2 tablespoons of oil
2 cups of cooked rice
1/2 teaspoon of minced ginger
1 garlic clove
1/4 cup of onion
1 cup of frozen peas
1 cup of frozen carrots ( or any other vegetables you have)
2 eggs, beaten
soy sauce to taste ( 1-3 tablespoons)
1. Heat oil in a pan, add garlic, ginger and onions - cook for 2 minutes
2. Add peas and carrots ( or other vegetables) - cook for 2 minutes
3. Move the above to on side of the pan, add eggs to the other side and scramble.
4. Add the rice, mix everything together and cook for a further 2 minutes.
5. Add soy sauce, stir, and serve warm.
6. Enjoy!
Literacy and numeracy activities will be on J2e as usual.
Hope you all have a lovely day and a super half-term relaxing with your families.
Thank you for all your hard work and support this term. We will make sure that the children have plenty of opportunities to demonstrate their new skills and talents back at school after half term and we will celebrate all their successes
Thursday 11th February 2021
Bore da, we hope you are well
Today you might like to warm up with a Dino dance :
You might also like to make some lanterns to decorate your house:
Literacy and numeracy activities are on J2e as usual. Hope you all have a lovely day. Keep warm!
Wednesday 10th February 2021
Bore da everyone, we hope you are well
Today is very cold and frosty - 'Mae hi'n oer'
Maybe we could do the freeze dance to warm us up!
Then you might like to make some dragon crafts to decorate your home with for Chinese New Year.
Here are some ideas:
Tomorrow we will make some lanterns to add to our decorations - if you made some circle designs yesterday, keep them safe and you can use those
Literacy and numeracy activities will be on J2e as usual. We hope you all have a lovely day - keep warm
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Bore da, we hope you are well
Today watch the shape clip on You-Tube again, or any others that you can find. It's really important you know your 2D and 3D shapes in Reception class.
Then maybe you would like to be creative
You could create a 2D circle pattern and keep it safe until tomorrow where you could turn it into a lantern.
or you may want to create some dinosaur feet You can then go around your home measuring how many dinosaur feet long some thing is. Please send us some photographs.
Literacy and Numeracy is on J2e as usual. Hope you have a lovely day
Monday 8th February 2021
Bore da, we hope you are well and that you had a lovely weekend
Today you might like to start by watching a shape song on You Tube. Search for:
3D Shapes Song for Kids/Spheres, Cylinders, Pyramids, Cubes And Cones
Over the next few weeks we are going to be hunting for these 3D shapes. Can you match the shapes with their names and the number of edges they have?
Maybe today you could make some amazing binoculars from cylinders ( toilet roles or kitchen roles) to help you search for the shapes
There are literacy and numeracy activities on J2e as usual
Friday 5th February 2021
Bore da, we hope you are well
Today lets be creative! Lets build some 3D dinosaurs. Have a look around your house for empty boxes or bits of collage materials and create your own dinosaur. Here are some ideas to help:
Our literacy on J2e today asks the question - 'What would happen if the dinosaurs came back?'
Here are some examples to help you
We hope you all have a lovely day and a beautiful weekend!
Thursday 4th February 2021
Bore da, we hope you are well
Today you might like to start the day with a dinosaur dance.
You might also like to be creative and design and make some dinosaur eggs.
Literacy and numeracy activities will be on J2e as usual. Hope you have a lovely day
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Bore da pawb, we hope you are all well
Today you might like to find out more about dinosaurs!
There are lots of informational videos on You-tube we like this one:
DINOSAURS: all you need to know/Educational Videos for Kids
Which dinosaur is your favourite and why? You might like to draw or paint a picture and say why it is your favourite. These paintings have been made using footprints
You might also like to make a dinosaur hat/crown, like the one below:
Remember to take photographs and show us on J2e or Dojo!
Literacy and numeracy activities on J2e as usual.
We hope you have a lovely day
Tuesday 2nd February
Good morning Class 2,
All of your work today is on j2e, and there are lots of lovely literacy and numeracy activities for you to try. We hope that you enjoy them, and that you all have a lovely day today. Have fun!
Monday 1st February 2021
Bore da everyone, we hope you are all well
Happy new month! We are now in February!
Today we are going to explore a new book -' Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs'
You may already have the book at home. If not there are a variety of readings of it on You-tube.
Try to have a listen to the story before completing work on J2e today, as it links to the story.
You might also like to learn this rhyme and complete the actions:
Dinosaur, dinosaur, turn around.
Dinosaur, dinosaur, stomp the ground.
Dinosaur, dinosaur, show your claws.
Dinosaur, dinosaur, snap your jaws.
Dinosaur, dinosaur, reach up high.
Dinosaur, dinosaur, wink one eye.
Dinosaur, dinosaur, touch your nose.
Dinosaur, dinosaur, tickle your toes.
Dinosaur, dinosaur, slap your knees.
Dinosaur, dinosaur, sit down please.
Repeat it a few times so you get to know it :)
Literacy and numeracy activities will be on J2e as usual
Friday 29th January 2021
Bore da pawb, we hope you are all well.
Lot's of you said you enjoyed making the 'feelings rolls' yesterday and that they helped you think about your feelings and how you can do things to change your feelings. Some of you added hair to your rolls too, which we loved!
Today maybe you would like to create a giant head and add lots of features - you could swap them over and ask people in your family how they are feeling today. Remember all feelings are ok. Sometimes we can feel sad and don't know why. But we also know things that make us let's do lots of those things
If you don't have a large piece of paper you could stick a few smaller pieces together. Remember to try and cut out the facial features yourself and cutting skills are something we work on lots in school.
Maybe you would also like to listen to 'The Feelings Song' on
There are lots of counting, alphabet and days of the week songs on here to that may help with your learning and feel happy to watch.
There are Oh No! and Maths challenges today on J2e for you to enjoy.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend with your families
Thursday 28th January 2021
Bore da pawb, we hope you are all well
Today lets think about our feelings. Sometimes we are happy, sometimes sad, and sometimes in the middle. Look at these emotion rolls - maybe you would like to make some using toilet rolls, kitchen rolls or rolled up sheets of paper.
Throughout the day check how you are feeling. All feelings are ok, but the more we check how we are feeling the more we can do things to take us from sad to happy or gweddol to happy.
We all love to sing the song 'If your happy and you know it'. There are lots of versions on You tube to choose from - join in with the actions and have a lovely time
This one is my favourite:
Here are more activities to do with feelings on J2e
We hope you have a lovely day
Wednesday 27th January 2021
Bore da pawb, we hope you are well
Today we have another counting game for you to play. If you don't have paper plates you could use any bowls you have at home or draw some circles on paper. You could scrunch up old papers to make balls or use Lego bricks or some pasta shapes to count. Remember to use number to 10 at first, when you are confident with these... go to 15.... and then to 20. Have fun!
You may also fancy being creative. It's cold outside - 'Mae hi'n oer' so why not make a lovely hat and mitten set mobile. Ask a grown up to help you try to cut out the shapes yourself and stick on any collage materials you can find. You might like to hang your mobile in the window; remember to send us some pictures.
On J2e today we are asking you to make a book or story map - here is a photo that may help you
Tuesday 26th January 2021
Bore da pawb, we hope everyone is well
Today lets make and play some games. First there is an adding game for you to make - this will really help you with your adding. If you don't have paper cups you could just roll up pieces of paper to make tubes.
Next you could create a reading game that will help you learn all your key words. Write each of your key words twice on a board and cover with post its. Then reveal two words at a time and see if you can make a matching pair. If you reveal a matching pair score a point. If you don't put the post its back and let your partner have a go. Have fun learning all those tricky words
Literacy and Numeracy activities are on J2e as usual. Hope you have a lovely day
Monday 25th January 2021
Bore da everyone, we hope you are well I see from photographs lots of you enjoyed playing in the snow this weekend - keep sending us your pictures, especially if you managed to make a snowman!
Today is a special day in Wales - It's Saint Dwynwen's Day - That's Welsh Valentine's Day.
People celebrate by sending cards and gifts and taking time out to be with their loved ones. Maybe today you would like to make this special Saint Dwynwyn's heart from a paper plate (or a circle of card), and give it to some one you love or someone you are missing at the moment.
There are also literacy and numeracy activities for you to enjoy on J2e - Have fun and enjoy your day
Friday 22nd January 2021
Bore da everyone, we hope you are well
Today is Friday and it is cold! in Welsh we say 'Mae hi'n oer!' Maybe you could draw a picture of yourselves wrapped up warm for the cold weather and write' Mae hi'n oer' underneath.
Today let's warm up with some yoga! Have you been practising saying the days of the week?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Try spelling out the names of the days of the week using Yoga postures and our Yoga chart
Literacy and numeracy activities will be on J2e as usual.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Thursday 21st January 2021
Bore da pawb, we hope you are all well!
Oh my! how we loved seeing all those amazing kindness crowns yesterday! You are such a wonderfully kind and creative class - we cant wait to make more kindness crowns when we are back at school
Today you might like to listen to and dance to a great song called Kindness by The Jukebox
Then you might like to practice a really important skill - tying a shoelace
Oh No! George the giant needs a new pair of shoes!
Can you design George a new pair of shoes from cardboard ( maybe an old box or cereal packet) and add some laces ( maybe string or ribbon). Can you practise tying the laces to help George become independent?
Literacy and numeracy activities will be on J2e as usual.
Hope you all have a lovely day
Wednesday 20th January
Bore da,
Today we will continue looking at The Smartest Giant in Town.
In the story, George helps lots of different animals in different ways. Can you think of a way that you can help someone today?
Listen to the Sesame Street song below for some ideas.
Once you have helped someone today, you could make yourself a kindness crown just like the animals made for George! Use any craft materials you have in the house to decorate your crown. Maybe you could colour it in different colours or stick sequins or gems to it.
If you like, you could send us a photo of you wearing your crown on j2e.
Here are some kindness crown ideas.
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Bore da pawb, we hope you are well.
Today is very windy! In Welsh we say - 'Mae hi'n wyntog'
You may want to start the day with some stretching. Why not try some alphabet yoga!
Can you spell out your name, or other words you may know?
You may want to listen to the story of The Smartest Giant in Town again today to refresh your memory. Do you remember all the characters? Maybe today you could paint a picture of a giraffe like the ones below. Then you can describe your giraffe to a grown up. What makes a giraffe special?
Literacy and numeracy activities are on Hwb, J2e
Monday 18th January 2021
Bore da pawb We hope you are well and that you managed to have a lovely weekend, even though we couldn't go far.
For the next two weeks we are going to be focusing on the book 'The Smartest Giant in Town' by Julia Donaldson.
Some of you may have the book at home which is great. If you don't there are lots of readings of it on You tube for you to choose from
Later you might like to make the giant a new tie. You could add lots of 2D shapes ( remember to name them as you add them- squares, circles, rectangles and triangles) or you can add buttons or ribbons that you might have left over from Christmas.
Hope you have lots of fun designing! Remember to send us lots of photographs.
Literacy and numeracy activities linked to the story will be on J2e as usual.
Hope you have a great day
Friday 15th January 2021
Bore da pawb, we hope you are all well
It's a cold and frost morning again today. Are your ice ornaments still on the tree?
As we have found out over the last few weeks snowmen and snow girls eventually end up melting, but they come back next year again to visit.
Today lets make some melting snowman pictures. You could either do this using 2D shapes - squares, rectangles, triangles and circles or you may want to paint a picture.
Some of you might also like to create a melted circle snowman.
Or why not try all three over the weekend Please send us lots of photographs
Maybe you would also like to try out some yoga shapes, which are very good for your body.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Literacy and numeracy activities are on J2e as usual - enjoy
Thursday 14th January 2021
Bore da, we hope you are well
Today we thought you might like to create some ice ornaments and/or do a science ice experiment.
You will need:
Dishes of various sizes
plants from the garden
Place some plants in a container.
Add a loop of sting, then top up with water.
Place in the freezer for a few hours or leave outside overnight.
You should be left with a string ornament that you could hang from a tree.
You could try out this experiment.
Make three ornaments and leave them in different places around your home.
Which one do you think will melt first? Why?
Which one do you think will stay frozen the longest? Why
Remember to check on them throughout the day and tell us your results.
Wednesday 13th January 2021
Bore da pawb, we hope you are well
Today is very wet outside due to the rain. In Welsh we say 'Mae hi'n bwrw glaw' - It is raining
You might like to start the day with a Winter Wonderland Workout (on You tube) or some Frozen Yoga ( Frozen/A cosmic kids Yoga Adventure)
Then maybe you could get creative and draw around your hand or make a hand print of a snowman family.
You could add lots of lovely accessories like above.
Maybe you could also learn this poem and think of actions to add:
Tuesday 12th January 2021
Bore da pawb, we hope you are well.
It is very cold outside at the moment. In Welsh we say 'Mae hi'n oer.'
Today lets make a snow globe. You might like to design and draw one or maybe a grown up can help you make a real one. If you can tale a photo of your designs so we can see them.
You may want to do the Freeze dance again today, as we know how much you love it! Have fun!
Monday 11th January 2021
Bore da pawb, we hope you are well We also hope you had a lovely weekend with your family.
Let's start the day with one of our favourite ways to move our bodies and develop our listening skills. Let's do a' Freeze Dance'. You'll find this on You Tube.
Then you might like to draw 3 circles - a big one, a small on and a middle size one.
Can you cut these out and arrange them to make a snowman?
You may want to add arms, face, buttons and a hat. You could also make him a lovely scarf with a repeating pattern like the ones you designed last week. You might like to give your snowman a name and send me a photograph. Have fun!
Friday 8th Janaury 2021
Bore da pawb! We hope you are well
Thank you for sharing some of your fantastic work on Dojo. We love seeing it!
Today you might like to relax and listen to the story of 'The Snowman' by Raymond Briggs on You tube.
There is a book reading or a 27minute film
The Snowman - Give us a story
You may want to then make a snowman from playdough or salt dough and decorate him/her. We'd love to see some photos.
Literacy and numeracy activities will be on Hwb - J2e
Thursday 7th January 2021
Bore da everyone, we hope you are well
Some of you might have seen some snow recently; isn't it beautiful!
In welsh we say 'Mae hi'n bwrw eira'- It is snowing
Today maybe you would like to paint a snowy picture or make some snowflakes to decorate your bedroom window
You might also like to complete a 30 minute yoga and story
time session on You-Tube:
Frozen/ A cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! Have fun!
Wednesday January 6th 2021
Bore da and a Happy 2021 to you all!
We hope you are well and that Santa managed to visit you over the holidays.
So now we are starting a new year ( albeit a strange start!)
Maybe you can talk to a grown up about some of the happy memories you have of last year. You may want to draw some pictures, and then you can think about something you would like to do this year - this is called setting goals.
WE know you all love dancing! As a grown up to play your favourite song and have a dance. You may want to check out Snowman Hokey Kokey on YouTube too!
Maybe you could write a letter to Santa thanking him for being so kind.
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my ___________
Love from
Lets practiser numbers today. Can you write numbers to 10 yet? If so keep practising numbers to 20!
Friday 18th December 2020
Bore da
We hope you are well. I expect lots of you are getting super excited and counting down sleeps for Santa to arrive.
Today you might like to watch The Christmas Story on You Tube or maybe you have a book at home. Then you can draw or paint a scene from the story. You might include Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, donkey, shepherds, sheep and kings with their gifts. Tell your family about the special story you have drawn.
You could also do some Christmas Yoga:
Christmas Special/A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure -You Tube
Have a lovely relaxing stretch!
Many of you are probably helping out with some of the Christmas preparations too, as we know how helpful you all are!
There are Numeracy/Literacy activities on Dojo for you too enjoy too!
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy start to 2021
Best wishes
Mrs Squires, Mrs Clatworthy and Mrs Davies
Thursday 17th December 2020
Bore da
We hope you are well and probably getting excited about Santa's visit! Here are some activities you may like to do today.
Creative - Yesterday in class we made some baubles for our Christmas tree, maybe you could make some for your tree. Draw a circle on some card ( back of cereal box etc) and draw on a design or cut out shapes and pictures and stick on. We also added glitter and jewels yesterday. You could take some photos and show them to me on Dojo or J2e.
Well-being/Numeracy- Lets get our bodies moving. Can you do...?
1 star jump
2 hops
3 skips
4 pencil jumps
5 bunny hops
6 half turns
7 starjumps
8 snow angels
9 frog jumps
10 roly polys
Literacy - write letter to Santa, telling him about all the wonderful things you have been doing and learning this term. Maybe you could then draw him a picture.
Have fun!
Tuesday 8th December 2020
Bore da, we hope you are well
Maybe today you could practise writing your name in preparation for your return to class tomorrow - Are you able to write it on your own now? We can use some lovely new pens in school tomorrow and create a giant writing wall.
Keep practising your key words to and maybe you would like to read Can you see me? and Splash! on Oxford reading Owl.
Keep practising writing your numbers to 10, and maybe even 20. Tomorrow we can create a huge number wall and you can all add to it.
You may also wish to practise drawing shapes - circles, squares, rectangles and triangles.
Can you draw a shape picture? You could draw one on paper or on J2e
Your teachers are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow when we can begin to create some Christmas crafts
Monday 7th December 2020
Bore da everyone, we hope you are well
Today lets move our bodies and do some counting too! Can you do:
1 star jump
2 pencil jumps
3 hops
4 skips
5 star jumps
6 pencil jumps
7 hops
8 skips
9 star jumps
10 pencil jumps
Now practise writing numbers 1 to 10, or even 20 if you can.
Later in the week when back in school we are going to be writing letters to Santa. Maybe you could draw something you would like, and then a grown up can help you write a sentence:
I would like _______ because _________
You can do this on paper or you could complete on J2e
Hope you have a lovely day
Friday 4th December 2020
Bore da everyone, we hope you are well
Keep practising writing numbers to 10/20
Reuse the counting items from yesterday. Write down a number and then place the correct amount of items ( pasta, buttons, coins etc) next to the number. Ask a grown -up to check if you are correct.
Repeat 5/10 times
Today try drawing some of the characters from the Oxford Reading Tree. Once you have drawn them write a sentence to go with your picture.
e.g draw Floppy and write 'I am Floppy'
draw Kipper and write 'I am Kipper'
Thursday 3rd December 2020
Bore da everyone, I hope you are well.
Today we are going to do some counting. Find 20 objects - maybe dried pasta shapes, buttons, pieces of Lego or jigsaw. Take a handful, count them and then write the number. Repeat this until you have written all the numbers to 10, then you could try 20.
Today lets practise writing some letters. Watch some Jolly Phonics alphabet rhymes on You Tube, just like we do in school at milk-time. Then see how many letters you can write on your own.
Keep practising writing your name and maybe you would like to draw a picture of yourself. You can write 'I am ( name)
Have fun!
Wednesday 2nd December 2020
Good morning everyone, I hope you are well
Please keep continuing to practise writing your name and numbers to 10 again today. Some of you are also working on numbers to 20.
You can also practise our 'double' learn its:
Double 1 is 2
Double 2 is 4
Double 3 is 6
Double 4 is 8
Double 5 is 10
During our Group reading sessions we have also been building and reading the words:
cat mat hat pat sat
pam sam tam ham cam
Maybe today you could practise writing these words too, or make up words of your own.
Remember to watch Number blocks and Alpha blocks for more word building and number building.
Hope you all have a good day
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Good morning everyone, we hope you are all well.
1. Please practise writing your name today. Maybe a grown up could write it in a highlighter pen and then you could overwrite it or underwrite it. Then try writing with a pencil or pen on paper yourself. If there are any letters you are not forming correctly work on these. It's so important that you all write your names independently in the next two weeks.
2. Last week we listened to the story Stick Man. We also watched a lovely animation on You Tube. Maybe you could re-listen to the story and draw some of Stick Man's adventures.
Then you could write/copy I am Stick Man
1. Count up to 20 several times - maybe clapping, marching, tapping knees, tapping elbows.
2. Practise writing numbers up to 10. If there are any you are unsure of focus on these. Use the number formation cards to help you. Then maybe you could draw:
1 house
2 flowers
3 sticks
4 leaves
5 circles
6 squares
7 triangles
8 rectangles
9 stars
10 trees
Hope you have a good day
Friday 27th November 2020
Hello everyone, we hope you have had a lovely day
Homework this week is:
to practise reading, writing and ordering numbers to ten. Some of you might like to continue to 20. Remember the more practise you have, the more confident you will become.
Oxford Owl Reading books - Animal Tracks and The Lonely Monster
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Friday 20th November 2020
Good afternoon everyone
In school we have been working on the sounds s, a, t, p, to date and making words with these sounds in them. We then attempt to write the word we are sounding out:
at, sat, pat, tap, sap. We have also been looking at rhyming words.
We also complete Guided Group reading and individual reading in class each week.
1. Practise using the letters to make the words and write the words each day, and record them on the laminated sheet.
2. Practise writing numbers each day. Begin with 1 to 5. If your child is confident with this, continue to 10, then 12, 15 and then to 20.
3. Read 'The mouse and the Elephant' and 'Under our feet'. You may want to create a picture about one of the books on J2e. - Happy reading!
Friday 6th November 2020
Good afternoon everyone,
We have a had a very positive first week back; I can see that you have all been working really hard at home during the self isolation period. Many children are now writing their names independently and numbers are improving by the day - Gwych!
We have carried out reading assessments this week and some children are ready to move onto the next set of words. Mrs Clatworthy and I are currently organising some more reading resources, phonics cards and number games to support you at home. On completion these will be placed in a bag, quarantined for 48 hours and then sent home to you. These are for you to use at home and do not need to be returned to school. Instructions on how to use the pack will be included.
Please could you paint me a beautiful Bonfire picture on J2e or you may want to draw some Remembrance Poppies as we have done in school.
In school we are now counting up to 20.
Ask a grown up to help you complete:
20 claps of the hands
20 claps on the elbows
20 claps on the knees
20 star jumps
20 frog jumps
Count from 1 to 20 as you do each activity.
Maybe you can think of other activities you can count
Hope you all have a lovely weekend
Mrs Squires
Friday 23rd October 2020
Hello everyone, we hope you are well.
Today we are going to think about feelings and emotions.
Sometimes we feel happy (hapus), sometimes we may feel sad ( trist). Sometimes we may feel angry (crac) and sometimes we might just feel in the middle (gweddol)
Maybe you could draw or paint some faces to describe all these feelings and think about when you may feel angry/upset, happy, sad or in the middle. How are you feeling today? And how are you feeling Mums and Dads? There are a few examples below:
Remember to keep practising writing your names, numbers to 10 and reading your key words too.
Next week is half-term, so time to play games with your families and maybe watch some movies. If you do need to message me you can do so through J2e.
See you all back in school on Monday 2nd November
Take care
Mrs Squires and Class 2 staff
Thursday 22nd October 2020
Good morning, bore da, we hope you are well.
Here is our learning for the day:
1. Practise your key words
Mum Dad Kipper Biff Chip Floppy the a and
2. Ask a grown up to draw some circles ( about the size/circumference of a cup). Ask them to help you cut them out. In each circle draw some of your favourite things e.g cake, spider, doll, iPad
3. Now we are going to make sentences involving a and and
Maybe you can overwrite the words using a pencil and then read the sentences
a spider and a flower
a cake and a ball
Then you can swap the items around and read the new sentences
a cake and a flower
a ball and a spider
1. Count to 10 forwards and back three times
2. Write numbers to 10 three times
3. Watch some Numberblocks on CBeebies or Youtube
Hope you all have a good day
Wednesday 21st October 2020
Good morning everyone, Bore da, we hope you are well.
Today is a very wet day, in welsh we would say 'Mae hi'n bwrw glaw' - It is raining.
Maybe today you could draw or paint a rainy day picture and a grown up could write
Mae hi'n bwrw glaw underneath in a highlighter pen for you to write over.
Maybe you could also practise writing your name over and over to develop your independence and confidence.
Watch and listen to The Shape Songs on you tube
Ask a grown up to draw some circles, triangles, squares and rectangles on a sheet of paper, or you could try drawing them yourselves. Then colour in the shapes and ask a grown up to help you cut them out. You could then use them to make a shape character or picture. Or you may want to draw a shape picture on J2e.
Have fun!
Tuesday 20th October 2020
Good morning everyone, we hope you are all well.
As you are all aware our learning will be online for the rest of the week.
Activities -Mathematical Development:
For the past few weeks we have been reading about Superworm. Maybe you could:
1. Draw or paint some long superworms and some short superworms. Ask a grown up to help you cut them out and then sort them from longest to shortest, or shortest to longest.
2. Draw 10 leaves for Superworm to eat and write the numbers 1 to 10 on each leaf.
1. If you were Superworm, how would you help your friends? Maybe you could draw a picture on paper or on J2e and scribe a sentence for a grown up to help you write.
Also, well-being homework was placed on J2e last Friday. Please could this be completed by Friday 23rd October - many thanks.
We hope you all have a good day. Remember to get some fresh air and have a little run around too,
best wishes from Class 2 staff
Friday 16th October
Hello everyone, homework this week is on J2e.
For us teachers to be able to support you even more in school there are a few questions for you to answer with a grown up.
Also maybe you would like to go on the paint section an create a lovely autumn picture.
Remember to keep practising your key words, writing your name and numbers to 10 - these skills are so important!
Friday 9th October 2020
Good afternoon everyone,
I hope you are well.
Well done to everyone who logged onto J2e ( Just 2 easy) on Hwb and completed their Literacy homework. I read that you love visiting the park and beach. I hope the weather is sunny this weekend and maybe you will get another chance to visit. I hope you also managed to log onto Oxford Owl and read some of the suggested books.
This week in school we have been reading about 'Superworm' and we have made superworms, measured superworms, learnt superworm rhymes, drawn superworms and painted superworms. We have been very busy! We also enjoy practising writing our numbers to 10 each morning.
We have also been working hard trying to read our first 9 key words, but we need to do lots more work at school and at home to become confident with them. Here they are again
Homework - reading and writing
1. Practise writing your name ( as many times as you can)
2. Practise reading the first 9 key words ( as many times as you can)
3. Practise writing numbers 1 to 5. ( If you know these go onto 1 to 10)
4. Read one of the suggested books on Oxford Owl.
Thank you for your continued support,
Hope you have a lovely weekend
Mrs Squires
Friday 2nd October 2020
Bore da everyone
Well done to everyone who completed their My Maths homework, and thank you parents and carers for supporting your child's learning.
Letter about reading books on Oxford reading Owl have emailed out today - the children will start on wordless books, but please keep practising the key words in preparation for worded books.
A writing activity has also been set on J2e on Hwb. Your child can dictate a sentence and you can help them type it or type for them.
Thank you for your support
Best wishes
Mrs Squires
Friday 25th September 2020
Good afternoon everyone Pryn hawn da!
We have had another fabulous week in Class 2 and it feels like we have never been away.
Well done to everyone who completed their home work last week and for telling me about it. Unfortunately we are not able to take in paper home work at the present time to mark, but it is lovely talking to the children about what they have been doing.
This week maths homework will be via 'My Maths'. Everyone has been emailed login details this week. Use these details to log on to My Maths and go into Class 2 - there you should find a counting activity which I will be able to see on completion. Have fun!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend
Mrs Squires
Homework- Friday 18th September
Hello everyone
What a fantastic first two weeks we have had!
This week we have been working hard on sequencing numbers to 10.
Home learning this week is:
Challenge: Count to 20!
Then you can go on a treasure hunt
Find and count 5 buttons
Find and count 6 pencils/pens
Find and count 7 flowers
Find and count 8 leaves
Find and count 9 twigs
Find and count 10 pasta shapes
You could then make a beautiful picture with all the things you have collected. Have fun!
Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to Class 2 and Reception year.
Even though it has been a very unusual start to the new academic year, the children have all settled really well into Class 2, and it has been so wonderful to see them all again and yourselves. The children are becoming familiar with our new classroom and our daily routines. We are creating our own ‘class bubble’ and our daily routine involves regular hand washing and sanitising, which the children are taking great responsibility for. We are reminding the children to cough or sneeze into their elbow and get a tissue to wipe their noses.
Our topic focus at the moment is on Wellbeing, ensuring all pupils are happy, settled and ready for learning.
Class information
I shall be regularly updating our class page on our school website ( and you may also like to follow us on twitter @BryncethinPS2.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to phone the school office on 01656 815840, leave a message and I will return your call as soon as I can.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Mrs Squires