Friday 17th July
It's nearly the end of our time in Class 3! It's been a very strange year and today is our last day! Russ has asked me to send you all a message as she has been missing you a lot - can you crack the code?
Have a great summer!
Thursday 16th July
Activity 1: Our last day of Happy Handwriting! Practice the two sentences again and try to improve your handwriting from the last two days!
Activity 2: Today, let’s practice counting in 10s to 100!
Activity 3: What would you like to do over the summer holidays? Use these titles to help you write some things you would like to do!
Wednesday 15th July
Activity 1: Happy Handwriting again today! Practice writing the sentences from yesterday and try to improve your handwriting!
Activity 2: Let’s count in 5s today, can you get to 50? Try to go to 100 if you can!
Activity 3: This year has been a very strange year! We did lots of exciting things in school and you’ve all been working very hard at home over the last few months! Complete these boxes with sentences and pictures to show your favourite things about this year. You can use a plain piece of paper if you don’t have a printer.
Tuesday 14th July
Activity 1: Let’s practice our Happy Handwriting! The sentences are – ‘The brown dog has a green ball. The black cat has a red collar.’ Try and do your best handwriting. Be careful with the sneaky g! Use the formation sheets to remind you where the letters sit.
Activity 2: Today, practice counting in 2s. How far can you go?
Activity 3: Can you catch the ball? Have a go at this challenge!
Monday 13th July
Bore da, I hope you all had a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine! Here are today's activities!
Activity 1: We are going to continue practising our spelling today. Did you find any words tricky to spell last week? Practice those first them move on to these:
come about
here look
they one
looked an
there all
Use one of the strategies from last week or rainbow words to practice.
Activity 2: In school, some of us have been practising counting to 100. Can you write down the numbers to 100? Count along with this song first!
Activity 3: What medal can you get in this tennis challenge?
Have a great day, tweet us @BryncethinPS3
Friday 10th July
Activity 1: Let’s practice spelling these words again:
had cross
got put
went said
pulled pushed
it jumped
This time, use a different strategy to what you used Monday.
Activity 2: Practice counting in 2s, 5s or 10s! Write or paint them on paper, or use chalk and write them outside!
Activity 3: Let’s finish our week of by doing some exercise!
Thursday 9th July
Activity 1: If you were Duncan, what would you say back to your crayons? Do you think Duncan would say he was sorry? Or maybe he would say how he would use all of his crayons for lots of different things? Pretend you are Duncan and write a letter to the crayons.
Activity 2: We’re going to have another look at the crayon prices from Tuesday, can you put them in order from the least expensive to the most expensive? Find the smallest number first then work your way up!
Activity 3: In the end of the story, Duncan makes a picture using all different colours! He uses yellow for the sky, orange for the whale and blue for the crocodile! Can you create a picture using all of the opposite colours like Duncan did?
Have a great day and remember to tweet us your pictures!
Wednesday 8th July
Activity 1: Can you answer these questions about the story?
Activity 2: Have a look at the crayon prices from yesterday, how much would it be to buy these crayons together?
Yellow + Green =
Purple + Blue =
Red + Red =
Activity 3: Duncan’s crayons need somewhere to live, can you make a crayon box for them? You could use some cardboard recycling to make the box and then decorate it!
Tuesday 7th July
The crayons have written us some sentences to tell us how they are feeling! But they’ve got a bit mixed up, can you used the story to help you put them back in the write order?
Activity 2: Have a go at this ball chasing challenge!
Activity 3: Can you draw the coins need to pay for these crayons? You might need more than one coin for some of them!
Monday 6th July
Bore da, here are today's activities!
Activity 1: Let’s practice spelling these words:
had cross
got put
went said
pulled pushed
it jumped
Use one of these strategies to help you practice:
Activity 2: It's been a long time since we've looked at money! Can you match these coins to the amounts?
Activity 3:
This week we are going to listen to the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. Listen to the story and try to read along if you can
Friday 2nd July
Activity 1: Read the ‘nk’ words and find them in the picture. Put the ‘nk’ words into sentences.
Activity 2: Have a go at these adding and taking away sums – look carefully at the signs!
10 + 5 =
16 – 4 =
12 – 8 =
18 + 2 =
20 + 3 =
Activity 3: How many socks can you toss into the box in 60 seconds?
Have a great weekend!
Thursday 2nd July
Activity 1: Who did you make a list about yesterday? It is always nice to say thank you to the people who help us! Write a thank you letter to someone who helps you – you could use the person you chose yesterday or somebody else.
Activity 2: Have a go at these adding challenges!
Activity 3: Police officers are some of the people who help us! Have a go at making this police car by weaving paper. If you don’t have a printer to print the police car template, you or a family member could draw your own.
Have a great day
Wednesday 1st July
Activity 1: Can you answer these quiz questions about people who help us? Try to put your answers in to sentences.
Activity 2: Have a look at the I spy picture, then make a tally chart for each of the people who help us.
Here's an example to start you off:
Activity 3: We've thought of lots of people who help us already, today choose someone who helps you and make a list or draw pictures showing all of the ways they help you! Keep hold of this as you will need it tomorrow.
Tuesday 30th June
Activity 1: Firefighters are some of the people who help us! Read the information below and answer the questions about them.
Activity 2: We ordered numbers yesterday and today we are going to compare them using greater than, less then or equals signs. Watch this video and then have a go at the activity below ( Remember the crocodile always eats the bigger number!
Activity 3: Let’s keep fit by having a go at this challenge!
Monday 29th June
Bore da! I hope you had a lovely weekend, here are today's activities:
Activity 1: Read the ‘tch’ words and find them in the picture, then put the ‘tch’ words into sentences.
Activity 2: Oh no, some of our numbers have been mixed up! Can you put them back in the write order? If it’s a bit tricky, use the 100 square to help you find the numbers!
Activity 3: Recently, you may have made a rainbow for your window or clapped on a Thursday night for the people who help us. So this week we are going to think about all of the people who help us – first of all, can you make a mind map or a list of those people?
Have a great day and tweet us your activities!
Friday 26th June
Activity 1: Today we are going to look at 'cks'. Read the 'cks' word and find them in the picture, then put the words into sentences.
Activity 2: Let's practice our doubling!
12 + 12 =
11 + 11 =
10 + 10 =
9 + 9 =
8 + 8 =
Activity 3: Have a go at this workout! Maybe you could challenge some family members to join in with you.
Have a great Friday and a fantastic weekend!
Thursday 25th June
Activity 1: Choose a rainforest animal and make a factfile about it like the one below. You could include the facts from yesterday and also look for some of your own!
Activity 2: Ronald the Rhino needs to find out how many animals are in his rainforest. Can you help him to complete this graph? You will need to colour a block for each animal you count.
Activity 3: Rainforests are made up of trees which help us in lots of ways – you can read some of the ways they help us below. Can you make a superhero tree? You could draw it or make it out of different items you have in your house. Don’t forget to give your superhero tree a super name!
Have a great day and stay safe in the sunshine!
Wednesday 24th June
Bore da, it's a very sunny day today!
Activity 1: Can you match the animals from Ronald the Rhino to the animal facts? Make sure to read the facts carefully!
Activity 2: Have a go at these subtraction sums!
Activity 3: Let's keep active by trying this skipping challenge! It's very hot today so make sure to drink plenty of water.
Have a great day and remember to tweet us @BryncethinPS3
Tuesday 23rd June
Activity 1: Listen to the story Ronald the Rhino - try and read along if you can!
Activity 2: Have a look at the picture and sums below. You will need to count the number of animals in the picture and then add them together! If you want, you could make a tally chart of each of the animals before doing the sums.
Activity 3: Mae hi'n heulog heddiw! As it's so sunny, go on a bug hunt today. Make a list of the bugs you find!
Monday 22nd June
Activity 1: Can you think of words beginning with wh? Put those words into sentences.
Activity 2: Try these sums
Activity 3: Today is World Rainforest Day! Can you draw a picture of the rainforest? Think about what animals you may see! Have a look at our class twitter page for some more information😀
Friday 19th June
Activity 1: Read the ‘ng’ words below and find them in the picture. Once you have done that, put the ‘ng’ words into sentences.
Activity 2: Fill in the missing numbers for these sums:
1 + __ = 10
2 + __ = 10
3 + __ = 10
4 + __ = 10
5 + __ = 10
Activity 3: We’ve been celebrating ourselves and our family members this week, so today let’s do some craft to finish the week off. You could make a cloud or caterpillar about you, or you could choose a family member or friend to make one about!
Have a great weekend and don't forget to tweet us your activities!
Thursday 18th June
Activity 1: How many of these words can you find in the wordsearch?
Activity 2: Have a go at this game with your family, or play a different board game! Make sure to count carefully when moving spaces!
Activity 3: Let’s add more to the family booklet. You could add pages for each of your family members. Maybe you could add pictures of you together, and information about each of them. You already found out their favourite colour yesterday so that’s a start!
Wednesday 17th June
Activity 1: Can you find the first letter for each of these body parts? Once you have done that, put the words into sentences.
Activity 2: Complete this tally chart by asking your family what their favourite colour is! Maybe you could even ring some friends and family to ask them! Can you remember what happens to a tally chart when it gets to 5?
Activity 3: Let’s make a booklet about you and your family! Today, you could design a front cover, and then on the next page you could put your ‘All About Me’ poster from Monday.
Have a great day, tweet us your activities!
Tuesday 16th June
Activity 1: We are all special in different ways, can you think of 5 things that make you special? It could be that you’re very good at running, maybe you make your family laugh, or maybe something different! Write a sentence for each.
Activity 2: Can you solve the questions? Use the pictures to help you!
Activity 3: Let's do some exercise!
Monday 15th June
I hope you all had a great weekend! Here are today's activities:
Activity 1: Read the 'th' words and find them in the picture. Then put the words into sentences.
Activity 2: Practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s! How far can you go?
Activity 3: This week we are going to celebrate ourselves! Today, complete an all about me poster. You could do a flower or super hero one like the ones below, or something completely different! Make sure to tweet us your posters
Friday 12th June
Activity 1: Read the ‘qu’ words below and find them in the picture. Once you have done that, put the words into sentences!
Activity 2: Let’s do some adding sums today:
10 + 6 =
5 + 7 =
9 + 3 =
11 + 4 =
2 + 10 =
Activity 3: Have a go at this workout!
Have a fantastic weekend!
Thursday 11th June
Activity 1: Read the passage in the middle and answer the questions about it.
Activity 2: Let's make some fruit art! There are some examples below. Whilst you are making the fruit art, describe what shapes you are using to a family member. Once you’ve finished, have a taste of your yummy fruit art. What does it taste like?
Activity 3: It’s always a good idea to try new foods! Some of the fruit you used earlier may be something new you could try, or if not have a think if there is something else you would like to try!
Wednesday 10th June
Activity 1: Can you break the code and find the fruits?
Activity 2: Can you design a healthy menu? Try to include a starter, main and dessert! You can then decorate the menu afterwards. Use the information below to make sure you include all of the food groups – this will help you to make it healthy!
Have a great day, tweet us your meals!
Tuesday 9th June
Activity 1: What is your favourite food? What about your family members? Write about all of your favourite foods. Here are some sentence starters:
My favourite food is… because…
It is…
My mum’s favourite food is…. She likes it because…
My brother loves to eat… because…
Activity 2: Try and make some fruit kebabs like the ones below! You will need to ask a grown up to help you with the cutting. What patterns can you make with your fruit kebabs? You could make a 3 fruit pattern, such as grape, melon, strawberry, grape, melon, strawberry! Once you’ve done that, try and make a 4 fruit pattern.
Activity 3: Have a go at the jumping challenges below.
Monday 8th June
Activity 1: Read the ‘z’ words below the picture and see if you can find them. Once you have done that, put the ‘z’ words into sentences.
Activity 2: This week we are going to be thinking about what makes us healthy! Make a list or a mind map of things that can help you to be healthy!
Activity 3: Have a look what food you have in your kitchen. Can you sort the foods into a healthy and not so healthy? Foods which are a bit of both could be put in the middle!
Have a great day
Friday 5th June
Activity 1: Yesterday we thought about how to stay safe in the sun, today make a poster showing how you can stay safe! You could include things like, wear a sun hat, drink lots of water and wear sun cream.
Activity 2: If you go for a walk today, have a look for any symmetry you can see around you! You could also have a look in your garden. Tweet us pictures of any you find!
Activity 3: Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw? Answer the question using the sentences below. You could also draw pictures of the weather if you like.
Have a great Friday, tweet us @BryncethinPS3
Thursday 4th June
Activity 1: Today let’s try and make a symmetrical painting. You will need a piece of paper and some paint for this. Here are the instructions:
Activity 2: Although the weather has changed now, it was very sunny last week. It's very important to stay safe in the sun! Have a go at reading the information below about how to stay safe in the sun, you can ask a family member to help you read some of the tricky words.
Activity 3: Once you have read the information, imagine you were going to the beach for the day. What would you pack in your bag to make sure you would stay safe in the sun?
Tweet us your paintings and what you would take to the beach! Have a great day.
Wednesday 3rd June
Activity 1: The weather has changed a lot overnight so, over the next few days we are going to think about the different types of weather we have! What’s the weather like today? Write some sentences to describe it. Here are some words you might like to use:
hot yellow bright grey rainy stormy cool warm cloudy windy
Activity 2: Can you spot the symmetrical pictures below? Draw or make a list of the symmetrical pictures.
Activity 3: Have a go at this 60 second squat challenge!
Tuesday 2nd June
Activity 1: Can you draw a symmetrical picture? Make sure you have the same things on both sides! You could ask a grown up to draw a line down the middle of your page to help you.
Activity 2: Take part in Joe Wicks' PE lesson or have a go at a Cosmic Kids Yoga video.
Activity 3: Practice spelling these words today:
was on she is for to in he be what
Choose one (or more) of the activities below to help you practice!
Have a great day and tweet us @BryncethinPS3
Monday 1st June
Bore da! I hope you all had a great half term and enjoyed the sunshine. Here are today's activities:
Activity 1: What did you do over half term? Write about each of the things you did.
Activity 2: Have a look at the examples of symmetry below and talk to a family member about what symmetry means. Can you find any symmetry around your house? Take a picture or draw the symmetry you find and tweet us it.
Activity 3: We are all missing family members and friends at the moment. Make a card for someone you miss – you could tell them what you have been doing or write a message about what you would like to do when you see them again!
Friday 22nd May
Bore da, well done for your great work this half term Class 3! Here are our activities for today:
Activity 1: This picture contains ‘x’ words. First read the words and find them in the picture. Once you’ve done that, put the words into sentences.
Activity 2: This week we've been practising our Big Maths and trying to beat our scores/times! Was there any sums your found really tricky? Practice those today. If you could do them all, now try and do them without using anything to help you!
Activity 3: We are using computers a lot more than we usually would at the moment so today let's think about how we can be safe when using them. Chose one or more of the activities below to complete.
As next week is half term, we will be back on Monday 1st June with some new activities. Have a great week everyone!
Grown ups - as we are looking at safety today, here are some helpful links with information on Minecraft, Fortnite, TikTok, safety and privacy when using the internet.
Thursday 21st May
Activity 1: We are going to practice our spelling, you can either use ‘Rainbow Words’ (using a different colour for each word/letter) or ‘Read It, Make It, Write It’. Today practice these words:
Activity 2: Can you find one more and one less than these numbers?
10 15 20 25 30
Activity 3: Today we are going to make a marble run! Have a look at the instructions below.
Have a great day and tweet us!
Wednesday 20th May
Bore da, I hope you have a lovely day in the sunshine! Here are your activities for today.
Activity 1: This picture contains ‘v’ words. First read the words and find them in the picture. Once you’ve done that, put the words into sentences.
Activity 2: Let's try and beat our Big Maths score or time from Monday!
Activity 3: Have a go at Joe Wicks' PE lesson or a Cosmic Kids Yoga video (both are on Youtube).
Enjoy your day and tweet us some picture @BryncethinPS3
Tuesday 19th May
Here are today's activities:
Activity 1: We are going to practice our spelling, you can either use ‘Rainbow Words’ (using a different colour for each word/letter) or ‘Read It, Make It, Write It’. Today practice these words:
Activity 2: Practice your counting by playing a board game with family members. If you don’t have any, you could make your own version! Snakes and Ladders would be a good one to make.
Activity 3: Have a go at the new balancing challenge below!
Have a great day and tweet us your activities!
Monday 18th May
Bore da, I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Here are today's activities.
Activity 1: Choose 5 of the j and w words you found on Friday (I’ve put them below aswell) and put each word into a sentence. Write your sentences down.
jam – jumper – jelly - jug
watch – wand – web - windmill
Activity 2: This week we are going to try to beat our Big Maths scores. Find it below, have go at it today and make a note of your score. You could also get a grown up to time you like we do in school!
Activity 3: Today we are going to work on our computer skills! Go on this website to complete them:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Have a great day and don't forget to tweet us!
Friday 15th May
Activity 1: Have a go at these doubling sums:
6 + 6 =
7 + 7 =
8 + 8 =
9 + 9 =
Activity 2: Can you find words beginning with j, v, w, y, and z in the I spy picture below? Make a list of the words you find!
Activity 3: Have a go at the Actif Challenge card below. Maybe your family members could join in the exercises with you!
Don't forget to tweet us your activities, we love to see what you've been doing. Have a fantastic day and a lovely weekend!
Thursday 14th May
Activity 1: There are lots of rhyming words in Show and Tell, can you match the rhyming words below?
1. fun - _____
2. bunch - _____
3. stamp - _____
4. soon - ____
lamp moon lunch sun
Activity 2: Zorg the Space Explorer comes and takes all of the children's show and tell items in the story, can you build your own Zorg? You could use Lego, craft materials, or items from your recycling box (like bottles or boxes).
Activity 3: Have a look at the pictogram below, can you answer the questions?
Have a great day, tweet us your activities!
Wednesday 13th May
Activity 1: If you could take anything in the world in for show and tell, what would you take? Describe what it is and why you would take it in to a family member and then complete these sentences:
1. I would take… because…
2. My favourite part about it is…
3. It has… (you can describe your object here).
Activity 2: Choose 10 items from around your house that you might like to show and tell, put them in size order. If you have blocks or Lego you could measure them.
Activity 3: Rob Biddulph (the author of Show and Tell) has lots of exciting drawing tutorials on his website . Choose one and have a go at following his instructions!
Tweet us your drawings and show and tell items @BryncethinPS3
Tuesday 12th May
Activity 1: We love show and tell in Class 3, so this week we are going to listen to the story ‘Show and Tell’ by Rob Biddulph. ( ) Once you have listened to it, draw your favourite show and tell item from the story and write 4 sentences about what it is and why it is your favourite.
Activity 2: There are lots of show and tell items in the story, can you count how many there are?
Activity 3: Have a go at the balancing challenges below.
Have a great day, tweet us pictures of your activities!
Monday 11th May
Bore da, I hope you all had a great weekend enjoying the sunshine!
Activity 1: Have a go at these taking away sums. Use blocks or counters if you need to.
5 – 3 =
7 – 5 =
10 – 6 =
12 – 3 =
15 – 5 =
Activity 2: Choose a window in your house and think about what you can see from it, or think about what you can see around you when you go for your daily walk. Draw a picture of either the view from your window, or what you saw on your walk.
Activity 3: Have a go at the sound hunt below.
Have a great day and tweet us your activities @BryncethinPS3
Thursday 7th May
Activity 1: We’ve learnt a lot about The Paper Dolls over the last two weeks. See if you can answer these questions about the story – maybe a grown up or older brother or sister could ask them and you could answer.
How many paper dolls does the little girl make and what does she name them?
Who is the first creature they meet and what does he do?
What animals did the paper dolls meet at the farm?
What do the paper dolls find in the little girl’s memory?
Which is your favourite part of the story?
Activity 2: Try these adding sums.
3 + 6 =
5 + 2 =
6 + 2 =
9 + 2 =
Activity 3: Have a go at the exercises below!
As tomorrow is VE Day there will be no work set. Have a lovely long weekend and we'll be back on Monday with some more activities!
Wednesday 6th May
Activity 1:
Can you write instructions on how to make paper dolls – here are some sentence starters for you:
Activity 2: Can you fill in these missing numbers when counting in 2s and 10s?
2 4 _ 8 __ 12 14 __ 18 20
10 20 __ 40 __ 60 70 __ 90 ___
Activity 3: The girl in The Paper Dolls has lots of memories of making her paper dolls with her mum and the adventures she had with them. We are going through a very strange time at the moment and I’m sure you are making lots of lovely memories with the people in your house. Can you make a memory box or time capsule of some of the things you’ve done or made during this time to look back on when you’re older?
Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine!
Tuesday 5th May
Activity 1: Read one of your reading books or another book of your choice to a family member. You could have a go at reading 'The Paper Dolls' if you put the video on silent!
Activity 2: What shapes can you find around your house? Can you describe them to a family member – think about what they are called, how many sides they have, do they have curved or straight edges, how many corners does the shape have? Can you make a picture or a paper doll using only those shapes? Have a look on twitter this afternoon to see my picture!
Activity 3: We've been working on our balancing in PE so have a go at the activity challenge cards below!
Tweet us your activities and have a great day!
Monday 4th May
Bore da, I hope you had a lovely weekend! We are going to keep looking at The Paper Dolls this week, you can listen to the story here -
Activity 1: What sounds make up the title ‘The Paper Dolls’? Can you tell a family member what sounds are there? Try to think of other words with some of the sounds in.
Activity 2: Can you fill in the missing numbers?
12 13 __ 15 20 __ 22 23 31 32 __ 34 44 45 46 __
Activity 3: The girl’s feelings change a lot throughout ‘Paper Dolls’, have a think about these questions and answer them with a family member:
How do you think she would be feeling at the beginning when she is making the dolls with her mum?
What about when she goes on her adventures with the dolls?
When the boy cuts the dolls, would her feelings change?
What could you do to make her feel better?
Friday 1st May
Bore da, today is Pyjamarama day! Time to spend the day in your pyjamas reading your favourite stories!
Activity 1: Build a reading den in your house or garden (if it's dry), then choose your favourite stories to read in there!
Activity 2: On a Friday, we would usually have a go at our Big Maths. I've left one below for you to try.
Don't forget to check out the Pyjamarama website ( ) as there will be lots of activities and stories posted today for you to try!
Tweet us your dens and any other activities you complete @BryncethinPS3
Thursday 30th April
Activity 1: Can you write a story about where you would take your paper dolls? You could use one of the adventures from Wednesday and your characters from yesterday, or choose completely new ones! Ask a family member to help you with your sentences.
Activity 2: Can you add up these doubling amounts?
4p + 4p = __ 5p + 5p = __ 6p + 6p = __ 7p + 7p = __ 8p + 8p = __ 9p + 9p = __
You could use lego, counters or blocks to help you.
Activity 3: Choose your favourite story, can you make a new front cover and a bookmark for it? Tweet them to us when you're done!
Have a great day!
Wednesday 29th April
Activity 1: Choose one of the adventures you drew yesterday (or make up a new one) and have a think what characters you would meet on that adventure! If you went to space, what aliens would you meet? If you went on safari, what animals would you meet? What about if you went to the castle, would you meet a princess or maybe a fiery dragon? They could even be characters from your favourite books! Draw the characters and name them - you could also describe them to a family member.
Activity 2: Using 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins (if you don't have the coins at home, cut out some circles and write the numbers on them), see if you can make these amounts:
3p 6p 8p 11p 15p
Activity 3: Make an invitation for our Pyjamara event at your house on Friday! You could invite a family member in your house to come and read with you. Remember to put on the date, place, who it's for, and what to wear.
Have a great day, tweet us your activities @BryncethinPS3
Tuesday 28th April
Activity 1: Now that we've read The Paper Dolls and made our own, we are going to think about what adventures we would take our paper dolls on! Where would you take yours? Draw pictures of 6 places you would take yours and write a sentence underneath each picture!
Activity 2: Can you make your own book shop? You could make price tags for the items in your shop and family members could visit your shop! You can practice adding up what they want to buy and maybe even give them change.
Activity 3: Remember to keep active - have a go at Joe Wicks' PE lesson or a Cosmic Kids yoga video on YouTube.
Have a good day and don't forget to tweet us @BryncethinPS3
Monday 27th April
Bore da, I hope you all had lovely weekend in the sunshine! This week we are going to be celebrating stories, and will have a whole school celebration day on Friday. Families will be able to join in a festival of story with fun activities to do at home! To help us do this, Class 3 will be looking at the story 'Paper Dolls' by Julia Donaldson. You can listen to the story by following this link - .
Activity 1: Listen to Paper Dolls with a member of your family, you can pause the video and have a go at reading it yourself. Once you have done that, have a go at the activity below where you will be looking at the front and back cover of the story.
Activity 2: Can you make your own paper dolls? Here are some instructions:
- A grown up to help you.
Activity 3:
Russ has heard that we are making paper dolls and has a problem for us to solve! Have a look below and see if you can help her!
Friday 24th April
Activity 1: Can you put the 'y' words from yesterday into sentences? Write a sentence for each of the words!
Activity 2: Help a family member with their cooking today and have a look for any numbers you can see on the food packets. Read the numbers out to the family members and talk about what they mean – are they for time, the amount of ingredients, a use by date or maybe something else. Try and put the numbers in order.
Activity 3: Today we are going to make our 3 little pig house! Maybe your mum or dad, or brother or sister could also make one and then you could test which is the strongest! Have a look at some examples below. After you have made your house, you could also write some instructions on how to make one!
Thursday 23rd April
Activity 1: Today we are going to practise thinking of and writing words beginning with 'y'. Have a look at the pictures and information below to see what you need to do!
Activity 2: Make your own number line – how far can you go? You could make a bunting number line or use your handprints, have a look on twitter @BryncethinPS3 for some ideas! Maybe you could display it somewhere in your house once you’ve finished.
Activity 3: Now we know what happens to the 3 little pigs, have a think what you would make your house out of if you were one of the 3 little pigs! Go on a material hunt around your house and find somethings to use as tomorrow we will be making our own house. Maybe your mum or dad, or a brother or sister could help you gather materials.
Wednesday 22nd April
Activity 1: Yesterday you found some words beginning with 'g'. Today try and put these words into sentences.
Activity 2: Can you make up your own exercises like Joe Wicks? Make a list of how many of each exercise you are going to do. For example, you might have 10 star jumps, 20 frog hops, 5 sit ups and 15 twists in yours. Have a look at the poster below to give you some more ideas! Teach your routine to a member of your family.
Activity 3: This week we are going to do a project on the 3 little pigs. Do you remember the story of the 3 little pigs? Draw some pictures to show what happens during the story (ask a grown up to tell you the story if you can’t remember it).
Enjoy the sunshine and tweet us @BryncethinPS3
Tuesday 21st April
Activity 1: Today we are going to practise thinking of and writing words beginning with 'g'. Have a look at the pictures and information below to see what you need to do!
Activity 2: We are getting pretty good at counting in 10s so let's keep practising! Today you can recite them to a member of your family - you can then write them using coloring pencils, felt pens, chalk outside or you could even paint them.
Activity 3: Remember it's important to stay healthy so today have a go at Joe Wicks' PE lesson on YouTube.
Have fun and don't forget to tweet us your activities!
Monday 20th April
Bore da, I hope you all had a lovely break! Here are our activities for today:
Activity 1: This week we will be practising our handwriting by writing this sentence, 'I played with the dog.' Think carefully about where the 'y' and 'g' should be sitting on the line and have a go at writing it yourself!
Activity 2: We love watching this video in school to remind us of our numbers, watch now to refresh your memory before we do some counting!
Can you count on from these numbers - try to count on to 100!
Activity 3:
We usually love to hear what you have been doing during the holidays when you come back to school so today draw a picture of your favourite thing you did over the holidays and write a sentence about it. You can then tweet them to as @BryncethinPS3 so that we can have a look!
Have a great day
Bore da! Here are our activities for today:
Activity 1: Update the diary you made last week, you could write about what activities you've been doing this week, what you've learnt and maybe add some pictures.
Activity 2: Have a go at the fact families activity below - make sure to watch the youtube video first!
Activity 3: I know how much you love doing yoga in class so have a go at either the Moana yoga or the Pokémon yoga .
We would like to say a big thank you to parents and children for working so hard over the last 2 weeks to ensure learning continues at home! We will not be uploading activities over the Easter holidays as it is a time for you to rest, however we will be back on Monday 20th April.
Have a great holiday and thank you again,
Miss Grinnell and Mrs Bailey
Thursday 2nd April
Activity 1: Can you think of words with 'sh' in? Once you've thought of 5 words, put them into sentences.
Activity 2: Using your 100 square you made last week, can you find the odd and even numbers?
You could colour the odd numbers in blue and the even numbers in red!
Activity 3: Now that you've designed your own Easter egg, its time to make an Easter card. Here are some ideas:
Wednesday 1st April
Activity 1: After reading the Easter story yesterday, can you draw each part of the story? You can set it out like the picture below and add a sentence for each picture!
Activity 2: How many ways can you make 10? Make sure to write the sums down, such as 3+7=10. To make it a bit trickier, you could also try and make 15.
Activity 3: Can you design your own Easter egg?
Tweet us your designs @BryncethinPS3! Have a lovely day
Tuesday 31st March
Activity 1: Today we are going to listen to the story of Easter
You could then retell the story to your Mum or Dad, or a brother or sister!
Activity 2: Here are some number lines, can you fill in the missing numbers:
44 45 __ 47
22 23 __ 25
61 __ 63 64
75 76 77 __
Activity 3: Have a go at Joe Wicks' PE lesson! You can find them on Youtube by searching 'The Body Coach'.
Once you've finished, tweet us picture of your activities @BryncethinPS3
Monday 30th March
Bore da, hope you all had a good weekend!
Activity 1: Today we are going to practice our spelling using rainbow words. Write each word 5 times using a different colour each time you write it. Then cover the words over and try and write them without any help! Here are the words:
1. the
2. am
3. and
4. be
5. of
Activity 2: We are going to have a look at splitting up 2 digit numbers in to tens and units so have a go at the sheet below! Make sure to watch the video ( first and then have a go
Activity 3: As it is Easter soon, this week we will be learning all about the celebration. Follow this link and read the information about Easter with a grown up. Now make a poster showing the different things that happen at Easter!
Remember to tweet us @BryncethinPS3 to show us what you have been doing!
Friday 27th March
Activity 1: Go on a number hunt around your house - what numbers can you find? Once you have found ten numbers, put them in order from smallest to largest! You can use your 100 square to help you
Activity 2: At the moment lots of us aren't able to see our family members or friends, today make a postcard to give to one of those people. You could decorate one side with a picture and then write a message on the other side!
Activity 3: It's important to think about what makes us happy. So today you can draw pictures of people or things that make you happy. Try to label them once you have finished!
Enjoy your activities and don't forget to tweet us @BryncethinPS3 so we can see what you've been doing!
Thursday 26th March
Activity 1: You will need the 100 square we made on Tuesday for this activity - close your eyes and choose a number on the 100 square.
Write this number down and then write the next 10 numbers that come after this (try to do this without using your 100 square).
For example, if you picked 56, you would then write 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66.
Repeat this for 10 different numbers.
*To make this a bit trickier, you could also count backwards from the number!*
Activity 2: On Tuesday, you had to think of words with 'ch' in. Today we are going to use those words to make some sentences. Try to make 5 sentences with a 'ch' word in.
Activity 3: Watch the video 'Tedi Twt ar y Fferm' on Youtube ( Once you have watched the story, try to retell it yourself. You could use animal figures, drawings of the animals or make the animals with lego. Ask Mum, Dad or a brother or sister to film you retelling the story and tweet it to @BryncethinPS3 so that we can see!
Wednesday 25th March
Activity 1: Can you count in 10s to 100? Make sure to write these down so you can practice those 2 digit numbers:)
Activity 2: Update the diary you made on Monday, what have you been doing in the last couple of days? What have you learnt? Have you built or made something?
Activity 3: Now that Spring is arriving, we are going to use our senses to see how things have changed! Whilst you are out for your walk, or you can just go into your garden, have a think about what is around you and complete these sentences:
I can see...
I can hear...
I can smell...
I can feel...
I can taste...
You could then tweet our class page to let me know some of the things you found!
Have fun!
Tuesday 24th March
Activity 1: Create your own 100 square just like in the picture below! Think carefully about those 2digit numbers and make sure you have the numbers the right way round:)
Activity 2: Go to and login using the information in your home packs (to login, click on the drop down menu on the top right hand side and click on espresso). Once you have done this, search 'Scrap's Phonics' and click on the first entry. Scroll down to the 'ch' sound, click on it and watch the video. Once you have watched the video, make a list of words you can think of with 'ch' in.
Activity 3: Today would usually be our PE day so instead take part in Joe Wicks' live PE lessons on
Monday 23rd March
Activity 1: Can you count in 5s up to 50?
Activity 2: Make your own home diary - today you could decorate the front page of your diary and write your first entry.
Activity 3: Using the pictures below, draw a picture of a classroom from the past. Think about what equipment they would use and what the children's uniform would look like.
Class 3 Home Tasks
As well as the home learning packs sent home, we will also be adding home tasks onto this page and NOT on Hwb. Please check this page regularly to view any tasks.
Useful Websites: (use the login provided in the home packs)
Miss Grinnell and Mrs Bailey