Friday February 12th
Good morning class 3.
We hope you are all well and are ready for a weeks holiday from school work!
Whatever you choose to do on your week off please enjoy yourselves and stay safe,
Our first task today is for you to be creative. Remember any mess you make you must help to clean up!!
Our second task is all about keeping you fit and healthy through the weeks holiday.
Try and join in with at least 3 of the activities next week.
Have a great week off!
Thursday February 11th
Good Morning class 3. The weather forecast is another icy cold day so remember your hat scarf and gloves if you go outside.
Literacy and numeracy are posted on J2E for you.
Our first task of the day is a game called Guess the character.
Our second task is a calming task where we can think nice thoughts and begin to relax.
We hope you enjoy!
Wednesday February 10th
Good Morning class 3.
We hope you are all well and are keeping yourselves safe.
Literacy and Numeracy tasks are posted on J2E for you.
Our first task today is related to the weather. It has been bitterly cold this week and forecasters are saying it is possibly staying cold until Sunday maybe even longer! Today we would like you to design some winter clothing. You can choose colours, designs, patterns etc. We would love to see your designs so please post them on class dojo.
Our second activity is to keep warm with:
Attention march kids action and exercise song. You will find it on youtube it is great fun!!
Have a lovely Wednesday!
Tuesday February 9th
Bore da dosbarth tri. Mae hi'n oer!
Literacy and Numeracy tasks are on J2E today as well as a wordsearch and powerpoint related to internet safety.
Please take a look with your family.
Our first task is to practice tying your shoe laces. We know this is tricky but we have found a video for you to watch and hopefully it will help you. Have a look on:-
you tube kidz skillz presents' let's tie our shoes'
Good luck please let us know how you get on.
Our second task is to get your fingers painting with fingerprint art. You can make any deigns you wish. Please post your pictures on dojo for us to see.
Have a terrific Tuesday!
Monday February 8th
We hope you are all well and that you had a lovely weekend with your family.
Literacy and Numeracy tasks are posted on J2E for you.
Our task today is to make your own clock. This will help you with the numeracy tasks this week.
We have posted a template for the clock on J2E.
Our second activity is for you to make up your very own exercise routine.
Please let us know your routines for Mrs Bailey to get active this week!!!!
Have a lovely day!!!
Friday 5th February.
Friday's come around so quickly!
It was lovely seeing some of you on the calls this week. We are arranging more for next week so we hope to catch up with you again.
Literacy and Numeracy activities are available for you on J2E.
Our first task today is linked to children's mental health week and involves children thinking about themselves.
Our second task is on you tube:-
kids workout dance:- Despicable me and minion dance routine. Get all your family to join in!
Today is Dydd Mwsig Cymru - celebrating welsh music. Today you could listen to welsh music or welsh artists doing what they do best! goolge:- Stereophonics, the Manics, Shirley Bassey and Tom Jones to name a few. You could also google welsh music and have a listen.
Enjoy your Friday and have a lovely weekend!
Thursday 4th February
Bore da dosbarth 3. We hope you are all well and happy.
Please forward any photos of yesterdays art work to class dojo. We would love to see your creations.
It is 'Children's mental health week' so today we have an activity all about you!
The activity is called 'Mirror Mirror' and can be found on J2E.
Our next activity is to keep you fit and healthy. Click on the link below:-
best cardio work out for kids - Bing
Have a lovey day!
Wednesday 3rd February
Good morning Class 3! Today is Dydd Mercher and we are half way through the week already! Mr Barr will be checking your work today so keep up the good work!
Numeracy and Literacy activities are on J2E on the Hwb for you.
For today's physical activity have a go at doing some of the 'On the Farm' yoga moves using the link below:
Our second activity is to have a go at making some outdoor artwork! Make sure to wrap up warm for this! You can use twigs, leaves, grass, stones to create a picture of an animal. If the weather isn't very nice then you can have a go at this indoors instead using different objects. You could try using pasta shapes or even Lego! Have a look at the picture below to give you some ideas!
Tuesday February 2nd
Bore da pawb! Sut wyt ti heddiw?
We hope that you are all well and are staying safe.
Numeracy and Literacy activities are on J2E HWB for you to access.
Today our first task is for you to practice our days of the week and months of the year songs. Mum's and dad's nannie's and bampi's will find the songs on you tube:
'Singing walrus days of the week and months of the year'
Have fun and sing them as often as you can!
Our second task is Yoga! Search youtube for Joybob the polar bear A cosmic kids adventure.
Have a great day everyone!
Monday February 1st
Good Morning class 3. It was a super cold weekend but lovely for walking with your family. We hope you managed to get out for some fresh air.
Numeracy and Literacy activities are on J2E HWB for you.
Today's physical activity is to join Joe Wicks. Can you get you family to join in? Who manages to do all the workout?
Our second activity is to make your own finger puppet or two and create your own puppet show to entertain your family.
Have a lovely day everyone
Have fun!
Friday 29th January
Bore da Class 3! It's the end of yet another busy week and it's lovely to see how hard you've all been working!
Today's Language and Numeracy tasks are on J2E on the Hwb.
For our art and craft today, because we have been bird watching this week have a go at drawing your very own garden bird! Use the YouTube link below and follow each step carefully! You can pause the video if it goes too fast for you. You'll need a piece of paper for this, a pencil and some colours. You can colour in your bird drawing when you have finished and don't forget to share your pictures on Class Dojo!
For today's physical activity have a go at completing 'Joe Wicks' 5 Minute Home Workout' using the link below!
Well done for all of your hard work this week! Make sure you enjoy your weekend and get plenty of rest and fresh air!
Thursday January 28th
Good Morning Everyone!
Language and Numeracy activities are on J2E HWB for you.
Our first task today is for you to workout! Go to youtube and search 5minute move kids workout.
our second task is to help the birds by giving them some food. When the weather is colder the birds find it difficult to get food. Below is a tasty recipe that i am sure they will love.
Wednesday January 27th
Bore da dosbath tri.
We hope you are all well and are enjoying the activities being set everyday. Mrs Bailey and myself love seeing all the busy things you are doing.
Language and Numeracy work is available for you on J2E HWB.
Our first task today is 'Bird watching'
Can you spot 3 different birds outside today? Can you identify them? You could use books or google to help you. You could make a diary or tally chart to see if the same birds visits your garden.
If you enjoy bird watching why not join in with the the 'Big garden watch|join the fun-RSPB' OR ' Big schools birdwatch' (
Let's get moving!!
Our next task is to keep you fit and active. Join in with Joe Wicks this morning at 9am or if you don't make that his P.E lessons are recorded for you on you tube.
Have a lovely day!
Tuesday January 26th
Good morning class 3. We hope you are all well and are staying safe.
Language and Numeracy is available on J2E HWB.
Our first task today is for you to make a postcard for someone who may need cheering up. People must get very lonely during isolation especially if they live alone. Let's cheer them up up with a picture using bight colours and a happy message. Maybe you could display them in your windows for people to read as they pass your house.
Physical activity today is to google you tube and search
'10 minute family fun cardio exercise workout'.
Mrs Bailey and myself are going to try this one too!!
Have a great day everyone!
Good morning class 3, a frosty morning again today.
How excited were you to see the snow yesterday?
We hope you managed to get out for a snowy walk or to build a snowman.
Language and Numeracy work are available on J2E on the HWB.
Today January 25th is St Dwynwen's day.
It is the Welsh equivalent of Valentines Day.
You can google the story on you you tube if you want to and then make a St Dwynwen's Day card.
We can wait to see your cards.
Have a lovely day!!
Friday 22nd January
Bore da Class 3, a cold and frosty morning today.
Language and Numeracy work are available on J2E on the Hwb
Today's task is to draw an animal.
I have included a link to a How to Draw a Dog video, but there are loads of different videos,
feel free to choose the animal that you would like.
There is a virtual tour of Chester Zoo,
click on the link to explore the animals.
We hope you have a lovely and relaxing weekend.
Miss Stephens and Mrs Bailey
Thursday 21st January
Good morning Class 3, I hope you are all well.
Language work is available on the J2E on the Hwb and Numeracy has been set on MyMaths.
It is Thoughtful Thursday.
We are going to make a mindful doodle. You can create any shape you like.
See the examples below.
We are going to complete a meditation activity.
Click on the link below
Wednesday 21st January
Good morning Class 5, I hope you are all well.
Language word is available on J2E on the Hwb and Numeracy today is an activity on MyMaths.
In your mind-maps lots of children suggested playing an animal snap game.
Click on the link below to play animal snap.
I thought it would be fun to make our own animal snap cards.
You can use paper or card, just make sure you make two of each animal!
Our physical activity today is a workout, click on the link below
Tuesday 19th January
Bore da Class 3, I hope you are all well on this wet Tuesday morning.
Language and Numeracy are on J2E on the Hwb.
Today's activity is a 1 minute challenges.
Try and complete them on your own or challenge a family member!
Today we have our weekly yoga with Cosmic Kids
Click on the link below.
Monday 18th January
Good morning Class 3, I hope you have had a lovely weekend.
Language and Numeracy work are available on the J2E on the Hwb.
Today we are going to practise our handwriting.
Can you write your weekend news?
Remember to try and sound out words when writing.
Include a picture of what you did.
Post your work to Class DoJo
Our physical activity today is a workout with Joe Wicks.
Click on the link below
Friday 15th January
Good Morning Class 3, it is a cold and frosty morning.
Language and Numeracy work are available on J2E on the Hwb.
We have been learning about 2D shapes this week.
For our activity today I would like you to make a 2D shape winter picture.
Write a list of the shapes you used.
To keep warm today we are going to complete a workout.
Click on the link below
Thursday 14th January
Bore da Class 3, I hope you are all well.
Fantastic work so far this week.
Language and Numeracy work are available on J2E on the Hwb.
Today is Thoughtful Thursday
Our first activity is to think about what makes us happy.
We are going to try a guided meditation
Click on the link below
Wednesday 13th January
Morning Class 3. Another wet day!
Language and Numeracy activities are available on the J2E on the Hwb.
Today we have a drawing activity.
As we are writing poems about animals I thought we could try and draw an animal.
We are going to follow instructions to draw animals.
Click on the link below to watch the video. You can pause the video as many times as you like.
Our physical activity is an animal workout
Hope you all have a good day.
Tuesday 12th January
Good morning, looks like we are in for a wet and windy day today.
Language and Numeracy work is available on the J2E on the Hwb.
Today we are going to practise our Welsh
Firstly practise asking and answering the question.
Then make a poster for Welsh weather.
Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?
Mae hi'n___
Our physical activity today is a Cosmic Kids yoga.
Click on the link below.
We hope you have a great day.
Monday 11th January
Bore da Class 3.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for a fun filled week of online learning!
Language and Numeracy activities are available on the J2E on the Hwb.
Any problems send me a message on Class DoJo
Today's activity is to go on a Winter walk and look for signs of winter.
You can take pictures with a camera or draw pictures on paper.
Remember to post pictures to the Class DoJo.
Our physical activity is a workout with Joe Wicks.
Click on the link below
Friday 8th January
Bore da Class 3, another cold and frosty morning.
Language and Maths work are available on the Hwb on J2E
Please continue to share your pictures to the Class DoJo and I will share them on our story page for us all to see.
Today we have a craft activity - origami! Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding.
I thought as it is so cold it would be fun to make a penguin!
Try some Cosmic Kids yoga with Pedro the Penguin, click on the link below.
We hope you have a great day.
Thursday January 7th
Good Morning Everyone!
We hope that you are all safe and well.
The weather is cold and frosty outside. Can you make a winter picture? You can use pencils, crayons, chalks, paper, materials.
We would love to see your pictures so please post them on class dojo.
We hope you have a lovely day.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
We hope you had a fantastic Christmas break.
We will post literacy and numeracy work on Hwb J2e for you everyday.
As it is a new year we thought you may like to think about the things you would like to do this year. Use the balloons below as a talking point with your family. Please remember to post any work on our class dojo page.
Have a lovely day!
Friday December 18th
Bore da dosbarth tri. Well it's the last day of term before Father Christmas visits us!! We know you must be super excited. Remember to be kind, helpful and stay safe. We hope you have a fantastic Christmas with your families and we look forward to seeing you in the new term.
Today we have lots of lovely activities for you on HWB.
A fun activity for all your family today is to design your own Christmas card. You could draw/paint/cut/stick. Please take a picture of your card and send it to us on class dojo.
A Christmas workout on youtube today ELF Christmas workout#GETTHEKIDSMOVING
Have a great day and a lovely Christmas
Miss Stephens and Mrs Bailey.
Good Morning Everyone!
Maths and Language work has been posted on HWB. Todays creative activity is to design your own Christmas jumper. Think about all the colours and things related to Christmas. Please take a photo of your design and post it on dojo for us to see. We can't wait to see your jumpers.
We know you will love this activity!!
Miss Stephens and Mrs Bailey
Fab Friday today class 3.
We hope you are all well and are getting excited for Christmas!!!
We want you to think back to the story of the nativity. If you can't remember it then read the story again or watch the video to refresh your memories. We want you to put the following sentences in order and to draw a picture to match the sentence.
1. A baby was born in a stable. He was named Jesus.
2. Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem on a donkey.
3. The shepherds came to see baby Jesus.
4. The kings followed a bright star.
5. Angel Gabriel told Mary she was going to have a baby.
6. A kind innkeeper let Mary and Joseph stay in his stable.
7. The kings brought baby Jesus gifts.
Top marks 'Christmas patterns' A festive sequencing game where you have to complete the Christmas patterns. There are 3 levels so choose the most suitable.
Have fun and enjoy your weekend!!
Good Morning Class 3!
Today we would like you to look on espresso at 'Scrap's phonics' Reception children click on letter i and year 1's on letter e. Once you have watched the videos please practice writing the letter using the correct formation and draw 3 things that start with that letter.
Can you find objects around your home beginning with the letter?
Top marks 'Hit the button' Looking at halving today. We know that many of you find this tricky and that is ok as we are learning. Have a go at the games and different levels.
Can you write half of: 10 8 6 4 2
Hope you have a lovely day!
Good Morning Class 3.
It's Wednesday already! We hope you are all well.
Today is our reading day so we have messaged you the books we want you to read on class dojo. We would like you to read your book and talk about it with a grown up. Think about what the story is about, who is in the story, think about the beginning middle end. Next choose 5 words from the book and practice writing them in rainbow colours. If you want to challenge yourselves try and write the words in a sentence.
Go to top marks 'hit the button' and click on doubles. Once you have played a few times see if you can write doubles to 10/20.
Have a good day and try your best!
Terrific Tuesday Today!
We hope you all had a good day yesterday and that today will be just as good. Today we would like you to draw the nativity scene and write a few sentences about it. Try and remember the key points of the story:- the visitors, the setting, the animals, the star.
You all really enjoyed the games on top marks yesterday so today you can go back to that but click on number bonds. There are different levels for you to work on so start with the one you feel most comfortable with. When you have finished have a go at writing out the number bonds.
We hope you have a lovely day!!
Happy Monday Class 3!
We hope you had a good weekend and that you are all well. Today in school we were going to learn the true meaning of Christmas by reading the Christmas story. Ask a grown up to read or tell you the story or you can watch it on you tube (the Christian story of Christmas is a good one to watch) When you know the story try and answer these questions.
1. What was the new baby called?
2. What were his parents names?
3. Who visited the new baby?
4. Where was the baby born and where did he sleep?
5. What did the kings follow to guide them to the baby?
We would like you to google 'Topmarks' and search for 'The gingerbread man game' There are lots of ordering, counting and matching games of different levels for you to play. We know you will love them!!
We hope you have a lovely day and that you enjoy the activities set.
If you are wearing a Christmas jumper please post some photos on class dojo.
Miss Stephens and Mrs Bailey
Class 3
Morning Everyone we hope you are all well.
Today in school we were going to be working on our clic, beat that and our reading. At home please could you practise one more and one less of numbers to 10, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s as far as you can and your finger doubles e.g. double 2, double 4. If you have time please practise writing your numbers correctly. You can write them in different colours or in sequences.
For reading please choose a book from Oxford owl read it and write one or two sentences about the story.
If you finish all the work and you still want more please look at the keywords given for last weeks homework and practise reading and writing them. You can take pictures of your work and send them to us on class Dojo.
If you are confident with the keywords given please message us on Dojo and we will give you more.
Thank you so much and please stay safe.
Miss Stephens and Mrs Bailey.
October 23rd 2020
We wanted to thank you all for your support at this very strange time and to ensure you that when in school the children are very happy and are working super hard! Thanks again and we hope you have a nice half term holiday.
Miss Stephens and Mrs Bailey.
October 8th 2020
We hope that you are all getting used to the 'new' routines and that the children are enjoying coming to school. Every Friday homework will be set for the children to complete online. The homework will alternate between language and maths. This week homework will be language based and can be found on HWB j2e. Reading activities can be found on Oxford Owl website and can be used as often as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Stephens and Mrs Bailey.
Welcome Back!
It has been lovely to welcome everyone back at this unusual time. The children have settled back so well and are already following daily routines which includes regular hand washing and sanitising.
We have been talking and working on well-being , exploring our new classroom, working outdoors and enjoying stories together.
Class information.
If you have any queries, please phone the school office on 01656 815840 and we will try our very best to help.
Many thanks
Miss Stephens and Mrs Bailey