Dear Parent/Guardian,
At Bryncethin Primary School all staff and pupils have the mission statement ‘Believing is Achieving’ we believe in achieving the best in all aspects of school life. Parents are encouraged to share this vision for a happy and successful school.
The school’s commitment to sustainable development and global citizenship has been recognised through the achievement of the third Platinum Eco Flag. The school has achieved the prestigious Investors in Family Award.
This year we have work closely with schools within Central South Consortium, Developing Pedagogy.
The last inspection of the school recognised that the school has an impressive sense of community, purpose and direction, effectively promoting a positive ethos that enables the pupils to do well. The inspection report duly acknowledges the skill and dedication of all staff and the overall quality of care, guidance and support provided for pupils is an outstanding quality.
I hope you will find this website most useful in providing information aboutBryncethin Primary School. Although the information is correct at the time of publication, changes may occur during the year.
Successful partnerships between home and school ensure the best education for the children. Parents are always welcome at the school and are invited to play an active part in school life.
I look forward to working with you in achieving the best for your child.
Yours sincerely,
R. J. Bailey. Headteacher.