Welcome to Class 7
Information regarding activities that can be completed at home.
We are looking at ways of providing work for children who may not be at school at this time. In our most recent letter we informed you that we were working on providing distant learning and staff are continuing to work hard to provide this facility if the school is directed to close.
Here are links to suggested resources that may be of use at this time:
Reading – www.oxfordowl.co.uk
Maths – www.topmarks.co.uk
Welsh – www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learning/astroantics
If your child logs into their Hwb account (https://hwb.gov.wales/) they are able to access Just2Easy resources such as j2Blast.
Friday 17th July
Well Dosbarth 7, we made it!
Today is the last day of term and your final day in Class 7! It has been such a strange few months but you have all had such a positive attitude and worked so hard! Mrs Rogers and I are so proud of you and have loved teaching you this year!
Parents, thank you for all of your support and hard work in helping with distance learning this term.
There will be no work set over the summer holidays, so here are your last two tasks and then I hope you spend the next six weeks relaxing and having fun with your families.
Science - Here is another science experiment using carbon dioxide to blow up a balloon! Follow the instructions with an adult.
Wellbeing - Here is a 30 Day Summer Challenge. See how many of these you can do over summer, and maybe keep a scrapbook or journal to share with your new class in September!
Thursday 16th July 2020
Bore da plant. One day left of term and then it is the summer holidays!
Today I have another experiment for you, and an exercise activity. Check out the images below to find the instructions, and then share with us on twitter @BryncethinCl7 or Google Classroom.
For the egg experiment to work, you need to add the water very slowly and carefully. Good luck!
I hope you all have a lovely day!
Wednesday 15th July
Bore da plant.
Science - What temperature does chocolate melt? Read the instructions below to do your own experiment. If you have a thermometer you could measure the temperature properly, but if not then that's ok :)
Language - Letter scramble! How many words can you make out of the letters below?
Share your work with us on Google Classroom or Twitter @BryncethinCl7
Tuesday 14th July
Bore da plant,
Today we have a musical science experiment, and a summer wordsearch to get us in the mood for the summer holidays! Hopefully yesterday's rain will not come back today!
Music/Science - Check out the instructions below to find out how and why different amounts of water in glasses make different sounds! Make sure that an adult is nearby when you do this experiment, and that you don't hit the glass too hard as it is fragile!
Language - Have a go at this summer wordsearch!
Monday 13th July
Bore da plant,
I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend. Let us know what you got up to on Google Classroom or Twitter.
This is your FINAL week in Class 7, and the final week of online learning before the summer holidays! Today we have an arty maths activity to do with patterns, and a 5 minute Joe Wicks Workout!
Maths - You will need some squared paper an colours for this activity, but if you don't have squared paper, don't worry! You could use a ruler and pencil to make squares on your paper by drawing horizontal and vertical lines 1cm or 2cm apart (depending how big you want your squares).
PE - I know that a lot of you have tried Joe Wicks either at home or in school if you have been to one of our sessions. These exercises are made for children, and last 5 minutes with 40 seconds exercising and 20 seconds rest. They are hard work but super fun. Give it a go!
Friday 10th July
Bore da plant! Happy Friday!
We are at the end of another week and only have one more week left of the summer term! I just wanted to say a BIG well done to all of you for your amazing effort, resilience and hard work throughout the last week and the entire summer term! You are all so fantastic, and you should all be so proud of yourselves!
Art - Our first task today is an art activity, and it is to draw an optical illusion! An optical illusion is when your eyes see something and make your brain think that it is something else, or that something impossible is happening. In this optical illusion, it looks like there are stairs on your piece of paper leading down to a dark hole! Follow the video to draw the illusion, and when you're done tweet @BryncethinCl7 or upload it to Google Classroom!
Wellbeing - Your second task today is to play Emotions Bingo! Either print off the bingo boards or make your own using the emotions on the image below the optical illusions video. Play with three or more people and have fun!
Thursday 9th July
Bore da plant.
Today we have an art task and a quick science experiment for you to have a go at!
Art - As our wellbeing theme is emotions this week, I thought we could have a go at drawing some emojis that represent emotions. Do you know which feeling each emoji represents? Can you remember a time that you felt like that? Was it a nice feeling or not so nice?
Science - Use oil, water and food colouring to create some fireworks! Follow the instructions (underneath the emoji video) and let us know how it goes!
Wednesday 8th July
Bore da plant!
Today we have a Language task and a PE task. Head over to Google Classroom to check out the passion project activity, and to help plan a holiday for Mrs Rogers and I!
Language - Copy this emotions poem in your best handwriting. Or, you could try to make up your own emotions poem if you like!
PE - Here is this week's workout card. Good luck!
Please share your work with us on Google Classroom and/or Twitter @BryncethinCl7
Tuesday 7th July
Bore da plant!
This week our wellbeing theme is Feelings and Emotions. Here is a video all about the different emotions people might feel.
Wellbeing - Have a go at this emotions wordsearch. Which emotions have you felt this week? Are there any emotions that you haven't heard of?
Maths - Enjoy this emoji maths challenge! Can you work out which number each of the emojis represents?
6th July 2020
Bore da plant!
It was so great seeing some of you in school last week, and I am looking forward to seeing a few more of you this week too. I know that not everyone is able to come into school for different reasons, but we are missing you all and look forward to the time that we can all be in class together again. There are two weeks left of term now! It has gone so fast, I can't believe it!
Science - I am hoping that today will be a little bit sunnier today, so your first task is to spend 15 minutes outdoors and record the number of minibeasts you can find. You can even identify them using the sheets below. Different minibeasts like different things - some love flowers and plants, others like to hide under rocks and other objects, and some like damp, dark areas.
Health and Wellbeing - We are going to make some healthy smoothies today! Find some fruit, and either milk, water, juice or yoghurt, and with an adult blend them all together to make a healthy smoothie! Smoothies are a really easy and yummy way to get your 5-a-day! You could even put some vegetables in there too if you feel like it - I love to put spinach, celery or carrot in my smoothies.
If you don't have a blender at home, why don't you make a fruit salad? They are another tasty way to get lots of fruit and nutrients into your body!
Share with us what you find on your minibeast hunt, and your yummy smoothies on Google Classroom or on Twitter @BryncethinCl7
Friday 3rd July
Bore da plant! Another Friday, and we are almost at the end of the school year! Well done for all of your hard work this week. Take the weekend to relax, but first here are today's tasks.
PE - Check out this week's challenge card below.
Expressive Arts - Have a game of charades with your family. This is a great way to practice your acting skills, and it can be really fun! If you haven't played it before, I have added some instructions below.
Thursday 2nd July
Bore da plant.
Wellbeing - Your wellbeing task today is to choose something from the wellbeing calendar at the top of the page. I will be leaving it there for a few days so that you can keep going back to it if you wish.
Art/DT - Have a go at making some salt dough models! Salt dough is similar to play-do but if you bake it then it turns solid, so you have a model that you can keep forever! I have included some ideas on what to make below, but let your creativity guide you :)
To make salt dough you will need:
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
up to 1 cup of water.
Mix the flour and salt, and then add the water a little bit at a time. You might not need all of the water. Mix and knead until it is like play-do. If it is too sticky then add more flour.
Next, make your model. When you have finished and are happy with your model, ask an adult to bake it in the oven at 250 degrees for two hours, until it is solid.
A quicker way for your adult to harden the salt dough is to pop it in the microwave for 20 seconds at a time until it is hard. This could take up to five minutes. Be careful though, if you microwave it for too long it will burn.
Finally, decorate your salt dough using paint, glitter or whatever you have in your house :)
Don't forget to upload pictures to Google Classroom or Twitter @BryncethinCl7
Wednesday 1st July
Bore da. Today is the first day of July! This year is flying by.
Your first activity today is a group activity - you can play it with as many people as you like. The players sit in a circle and create a story together by contributing one word each as you go round and round the circle.
Tuesday 30th June
Bore da!
Today on Google Classroom we are learning about homophones! These are words that sound the same but mean different things. How many homophones can you think of? Your homophone task is to create a homophone flap-book!
You will need: 1 A4 paper, scissors and pens or pencils. Use the instructions below, or check out the picture underneath which shows a step-by-step.
1) Hold your paper in landscape position, and fold both sides inwards so that they meet in the middle.
2) Cut four, equal-sized flaps on each folded side to make eight foldable sections or "flaps".
3) On the front of each "flap" in big letters spell out a homophone. On the opposite "flap", spell out its homophone friend (e.g. bear + bare). Decorate these as much as you like - the more bright and colourful the better!
4) On the other side of the flap, write the definition of the word and a sentence that you might use it in.
5) Underneath the flap, draw a picture of your word or sentence.
Monday 29th June
Bore da plant! I hope that you all had a lovely weekend despite the rubbish weather. I hope that the sun comes back this week.
Today on Google Classroom we are looking at verbs as part of our SPaG session. A verb is an action, or a doing word. Can you think of some verbs?
Your task is to take it in turns with a partner to act out the verbs below. Can you think of your own verbs to act out too? If you don't know what one of the words means, take this chance to look in a dictionary or online to widen your vocabulary :) Have fun!
Your second task today is to look at the Wellbeing Card, which is below the verbs, and choose one (or more) activities to take part in.
We love to see what you are getting up to, so send pictures or videos to our Google Classroom page, or to twitter @BryncethinCl7
Friday 26th June
Bore da plant,
This is the last sunny day before a rainy weekend (although it looks grey and gloomy at the moment), and it is a lot cooler today than yesterday! Today's activities are outdoor ones!
Art - You have a choice today!
Task 1 - Print out (or draw) the butterfly template which I have attached as a pdf, and then using double sided tape, glue or selotape stick some outdoor/nature objects onto the wings to decorate them. Remember that butterflies are symmetrical, so if you put a blade of grass on one side, you need to put another blade of grass in the same place on the other side.
If today is too rainy to go outside, then you could colour, paint, collage or stick things onto the wings of your butterfly.
Task 2 - Like the images in the PDF below, make a symmetrical piece of art using natural objects that you have collected. If it is too rainy to go outside, see if you can make a pattern from objects in your house such as cutlery, toys, lego, socks or anything you can find.
I look forward to seeing pictures of your creations, so tweet @BryncethinCl7 or upload to Google Classroom :)
Wellbeing - Your task now is to sit and listen to the world for a few minutes with a partner. This is best done outside but can be done inside if it is raining. List everything that you can hear and then, when you have finished, compare your list with your partner. Did you hear all of the same things?
Thursday 25th June
Bore da plant,
I hope you all enjoyed the hot weather yesterday - it is due to be the same today! You all did some fantastic work yesterday - adderchog! Today's tasks are as follows:
Language - A well known children's illustrator has made some drawings, but they don't have a story to belong to! Choose one of the illustrations from the PDF below and write a story for it. Think about what the image is, who is in it, where it might be, how it might have got there.
Art - This task is all about symmetry! Choose an image from the ones below and see if you can draw the other half. You can colour it in as well, but remember that symmetry isn't just about the shapes but also about the colours!
Wednesday 24th June
Bore da plant,
What an exciting week this is - not only is it National School Sports Week but it's also Go Green Week! I know that you have learned LOTS about the environment and going green this year, so this task should be fun and easy! Your Go Green task is to design a Tree Superhero! I have added a PDF with the information, and a couple of pictures with the rules on.
Your Sports Week task today is to do an Around the World Challenge - see the picture below for the rules.
Don't forget to share to Google Classroom and/or Twitter @BryncethinCl7
Tuesday 23rd June
Bore da plant.
I loved seeing your posters yesterday - you put so much thought into them! Our first task today is following the Sport theme, and also practicing our turn taking. It is an exercise Connect 4! Take a look at the image below to read the rules.
In Maths this week we are looking at symmetry, which is when one side of something is the mirror image of the other side - like a butterfly. Watch the video below, and then I want you to have a look around your house to see if you can find anything symmetrical. If you can, take a photo of the symmetrical objects that you find and put it in a PicCollage or PowerPoint, or if you don't have access to a camera or computer/tablet you could write it down or draw it.
Monday 22nd June
Bore da plant, it is Monday again. The weather this week is supposed to be picking up - I hope it does so that we can do lots of outdoor activities!
Maths - Choose a set of times tables that you need a little bit of practice with and do this times table squat challenge. See the photo below for the rules. I will be setting lots of exercise challenges this week because as well as it being our theme, it is also National School Sports Week!
Wellbeing - Make a poster about why sports are good for you! You can include the physical health aspects of it, but have a think too about the social and emotional reasons that sports are good for you. For example, you might make friends in a sports club who you don't go to school with, or doing exercise might make you feel more confident in yourself.
Don't forget to share your poster onto Twitter or Google Classroom :)
Friday 19th June
Happy Friday everyone! We will be ending the week with a wellbeing activity and a wordsearch!
Task One - Do something to look after yourself. This could be anything that we have talked about this week (making a healthy/balanced meal or doing some exercise) or anything to do with wellbeing - mindful colouring or drawing, reading through your happy jar, relaxing with a book or a film, spending time or talking to family or friends. Anything that makes you happy (make sure you ask an adult first). If you can, share your activity on Google Classroom or Twitter. We love seeing what you get up to!
Task Two There are fifteen words to do with looking after yourself hiding in this wordsearch. Good luck finding them!
Thursday 18th June
Bore da plant!
Wellbeing - Try make one of these "things to look forward to" jars. Some of the things you can include inside might be a family holiday, seeing your friends, your birthday, christmas or hugging a relative. Then, when you feel sad you can pick out a piece of paper from your jar and think about something happy you have to look forward to.
Another idea is to write or draw on your pieces of paper things that you already have that make you happy, such as friends, your favourite toy or happy memories. This is your jar, so you can put what you want inside as long as it will make you feel good.
Wednesday 17th June
Bore da pawb, it is the middle of the week already. Time is flying!
Today's tasks are as follows:
Topic - The original Olympics took place in Olympia, Greece. Can you find five facts about Greece? You can present your information in any way you like - posters, Google Slides/PowerPoints, leaflets etc. Your Japan posters were great, so I am looking forward to learning all about Greece!
Wellbeing - This week we are thinking about how to look after ourselves. Look at the sheet below and draw a picture for each way you can look after yourself. How many of these things do you do every day?
PE - Have a go at the workout sheet below. Can you do it all? I find mountain climbers so tricky, but I love jump squats!
Tuesday 16th June
Bore da plant,
I hope you all enjoyed yesterday's tasks.
Language - Check out these Olympic and Paralympic values below. Can you use a dictionary (here is a link to an online dictionary if you don't have one at home https://kids.britannica.com/kids/browse/dictionary ) to find out what these words mean. You can present this how you want - on a poster, a powerpoint or even in one of those mini-books we made the other week. For an extra challenge, either write a sentence or draw a picture of how you can show each value (e.g. I can show determination by practicing something every day).
Wellbeing - This week's theme for wellbeing is all about looking after yourself, so watch this read-along of Odd Dog Out. It's Miss Parr's favourite book - it's all about a dog who just does not fit in. Do you think she will find where she belongs?
Monday 15th June
Bore da plant, I hope you all had a good weekend.
Your first task today is a sports crossword. If you find the crossword tricky then feel free to research the answers online or work with a sibling or adult.
Your second task is to make a hoop game! This one is styled like the Olympic Rings! If you don't have those materials at home, improvise and see what you could use instead.
• 5 empty toilet paper rolls
• Cardboard sheet – approx 25cm x 40cm (to use as a base)
• Cardboard sheet – approx 30cm x 30cm (to make rings)
• Green, yellow, blue, red and black paint or coloured pens/pencils
• Paint brush
• Craft knife/scissors
• Roll of masking tape
• Pencil
• Glue
Kids: Use the masking tape roll as a template and trace out five Olympic rings on the smaller piece of cardboard.
Kids: Paint each ring a different colour (red, yellow, green, blue and black).
Kids: Paint each toilet roll a different colour (red, yellow, green, blue and black).
Grown-ups: Once the paint has dried, cut out the Olympic rings using a craft knife or scissors.
Kids: Glue the toilet paper rolls on to the base piece of cardboard in the order of the Olympic rings (see picture). Wait for the glue to dry and your game is ready!
Have one player stand one metre away from the board and throw the coloured rings, one at a time, onto the matching toilet paper rolls.
Whoever gets the most rings on to the matching rolls wins!
Friday 12th June
Dydd Gwener Hapus! (Happy Friday!)
I hope that you have enjoyed the learning this week - we have loved seeing all of your amazing work!
Your first task today is to make a timeline of the most important events of your chosen sportsperson. I have included an example that I made on Adobe Spark, which is free to access with a hwb login, and then copied on to Google Slides. You could also make one on Google Slides, or draw one by hand. If you would like to use Adobe spark, follow the link below named Adobe Spark Timeline.
Your second task is to complete the sheet below 'I show myself love by...' and make it into a paper chain. You can either print off the sheet, or make your own paper chain by cutting strips of paper, writing on them, and then sticking them together. Think of all of the different ways you can be kind to yourself and show yourself love. There is also a sheet called 'self love blocks' which is all about celebrating the things you like about yourself, and the things you are good at. Take pride in yourselves, all of you! You are all fantastic and each one of you has loads to be proud of!
Your final task is to follow the link below named Desmos and paste this code in - EBFQ6V . It will ask you to share a nice moment that has happened to you this week, either by doing a digital drawing, or writing. I can't wait to see all the nice things that you've all done!
Don't forget to share your work on Twitter (@BryncethinCl7) or on our Google Classroom page!
Well done all for your super work this week, and have a great weekend!
Thursday 11th June
Bore da Dosbarth 7,
I hope that you are all having a nice week, despite the tywydd ofnadwy. Can you remember the different words for weather in Welsh? Have a practice :)
PE I have two PE tasks today, so you can choose which one you like the most, or if you want a challenge you could do both! The first is a dance workout to the Trolls song Can't Stop the Feeling. The second is a batman workout for superheroes!
Humanities The Olympics were supposed to be in Japan this year. Find three cool facts about Japan and record them on a poster. You could include their flag, their national flower, national sport or national food. I'm excited to see what you find out!
Extra Check out this quiz - you have to think about three things in each category.
Wednesday 10th June
Bore da,
Wellbeing - Do you have a peaceful place, where you go or think about to find peace and to feel safe? It could be your bedroom, somewhere in nature, or it could be somewhere you've been on holiday. Either print out the sheet below, or draw it on paper.
Maths - Can you solve the Olympic rings puzzle below?
Extra - Don't forget to enter the Minecraft competition at the top of this page - it is open until the end of June.
You could also apply to get a Blue Peter Sports Badge by following the link below. All you need to do to enter is to try a new physical activity! The only rules are that it needs to be something you've never tried before, and it needs to be a physical activity. This could be learning a whole new sport in your garden, or a new skill such as skipping, kick-ups or press-ups.
Share your work with us either on Google Classroom, or by tweeting @BryncethinCl7
Tuesday 9th June
Bore da!
PSE The first task today is to draw your hero, either on paper or on j2e, and write a sentence about why that person is your hero. Your hero could be a sportsperson, or a family member, a member of the community, a friend or a celebrity. It can be anybody who inspires you!
Language Your second task is to do a little bit of research. We will be looking at the Olympics for the next couple of weeks, but did you know that there are three kinds of Olympics? The Summer Olympics are the most famous, but there are also the Winter Olympics and the Paralympics! Can you find out a little bit about each type of Olympics, what makes them different to each other, and when they take place? I have included some links below that might be helpful, but you could also check out BBC Bitesize or other sites. You may present your information in any way you like.
Monday 8th June
Bore da plant,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend, even though the weather wasn't so nice. Today, I have a workout task, a mindfulness task and a little bit of reading for you to do.
Language - Before half term, on Google Classroom, we had a think about some questions we could ask some sports stars! Well, here are your answers inside Class 7's very own Sports Magazine! There is a LOT of writing inside, so please don't worry about trying to read it all at once. It is on our Google Classroom library so you can access it whenever you want! For today, read about the athletes you are most interested in, see if you can spot any of your own questions, and let us know if you have learnt anything new!
If anyone would like to print it off, get in touch and I can send you a PDF version.
Wellbeing - Have a go at these challenges - one is mindfulness and the other is exercise.
Tweet us on @BryncethinCl7 or chat with us on our Google Classroom page!
Friday 5th June
Bore da plant!
It was great to see the new sports you all created yesterday! They look like a lot of fun. Today, to go with your poster, I would like you to write down a set of rules for your sport. Is there anything that people are not allowed to do? How long or how far does the sport last? I would like you to create five rules for your sport. Next, I would like you to design a special sports kit for your sport! This could be anything from shorts and a t-shirt to a leotard, or longer clothes such as martial arts clothes. You can design the style and the colours!
Your second task is to create a mini-golf course in your house. You will need a small ball of some kind, two circles of paper saying 'start' and 'finish' (the smaller the finish circle is, the harder it will be) and then any obstacles you can find! Take a look at the picture below for an example.
Mini-golf always has some kind of obstacle between the start and finish. This could be something blocking the way, or a corner in the course. Think about how you can get around these obstacles. Can you bounce the ball off of another object or a wall? Try out your course by flicking the ball with your hand or finger, and get it to land on the finish circle. Can you get a hole in one?
Thursday 4th June
This week on Google Classroom we have been looking at coordinates, and this is a really fun way to practice!
For a digital version, click the link below and type in the code U9U3EY. It may ask you to sign into Google, if it does just use your hwb login. This will work on computers and tablets but not on mobile phones.
If you would rather play a non-digital version, print the document below (one for each player).
Earlier in the week, we looked at what it means to be a sport. Today, I would like you to create a brand new sport, and tell us all about it on a piece of paper. Include a picture of the sport, some rules, and equipment you might need.
Think about -
You could include aspects from some of your favourite sports, or make it up from scratch! Don't go into too much detail about instructions of how to do your sport, as this is your task for tomorrow.
Wednesday 3rd June
Bore da plant!
Your first task today is to try to sign some sports! Sign language is really important for if you ever speak to a person with hearing difficulties, and it is fun to learn because of the different actions.
The video below is great because the man shows you how to do each sign slowly, although he talks a lot at the beginning. If you want to skip straight to the signing, skip to 1 minute 10 seconds. The National Deaf Children's Society also has LOTS of YouTube videos on different sports signs, so if you want to learn more, check those out!
Your second task is another Maths/PE challenge. See how high you can jump!
Remember, we LOVE seeing your work so please send any photos or videos to our Google Classroom or @BryncethinCl7 on Twitter.
Tuesday 2nd June
Bore da,
I hope you enjoyed yesterday's activities! Here are today's tasks.
Read the images below and see how far you can run in 12 seconds. To do this, you could mark out a starting position somewhere with lots of space and have someone time you running. You could use a tape measure to measure how far you've run, or if you don't have any measuring equipment you could measure in your feet (walk the distance you ran with your front heel touching your back toes each time you take a step - this will make sure that each step is the same distance).
If you found the sprint a bit easy, then have a go at the second image and try either 100m OR see how far you can go in 22 seconds.
See the workout sheet below. Good luck!
Tweet any photos or videos to @BryncethinCl7 OR upload to our Google Classroom
Monday 1st June
Croeso nol plant!
Welcome back after half term. I hope that you all had a nice rest, and enjoyed the lovely weather with your families. I would love to hear about what you have been getting up to during your week off!
We will be continuing with our topic of Sport this half term!
Some of you have been wondering what the difference between a sport and a game is. Your first task for today is to find the definition of both of those words. You might find that they are very similar. Next, I would like you to produce a Venn Diagram (either on paper, or on the website linked below) with Sport on one side and Games on the other side, and as many sports and games as you can think of in the circles. I have included an example below to help you - remember, the Sports section should include any sports that are not games, the Games section should include any games that are not sports, and the overlapping section should include anything that you think is a game and a sport.
Your second task for today is to watch the YouTube video (below the Venn Diagram), and create a paper helicopter! When you drop it from a height, it should spin. If you don't have any paperclips, don't worry! You could use bluetack, selotape, hair grips, clips or hair bobbles!
Once you have tested your helicopter, with an adult's permission use a timer on a phone or tablet to time how long it takes your helicopter to fall from a height. If your family are able to make some too then you could have a race!
You could also see if there is a difference in falling speed if you add more or take away some paperclips. I would love to see your helicopters in action!
Please tweet your work to @BryncethinCl7 or upload to our class stream.
Friday 22nd May
It is the last day of this half term! After today you will have a week off learning, and lessons will be posted again on Monday 1st June. Relax, have fun and stay safe.
We are having an internet safety day today, so most of your activities will be linked to that. I have also posted some great links for parents about helping your child stay safe online.
Your first activity is all about passwords! Have a look at the document below and think of a super safe password for each of the three people on the sheet, and then one for yourself. Then, follow the link below to a password strength test and see how quickly a hacker could work out your password. I tested my main password on this site and it said that it would take a hacker only 8.98 minutes to work it out! I think I need to change it!
How do your passwords compare?
The document below contains many links to different information sites for you to have a look through. I hope that you find them useful.
Once again, I hope you all have a fantastic half term and take a well deserved rest after all of your hard work (children and parents!). I look forward to speaking to you all on Google Classrooms on 1st June.
Thursday 21st May
Bore da,
Don't forget, today is the last day to do your 30 second challenge and record your results before we turn it into a line graph tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a special day too, as we are having a whole school Internet Safety day!
We have been thinking about athletes a lot during our topic of sport, and on our Google Classroom page today we are thinking of some questions to ask some real sports stars and athletes! But, did you know that there are lots of other people involved in sports too?
Either on paper or on Mindmup, can you think of as many people as you can who help sports games take place and put them into a thought shower? Think about who makes sure that everybody follows the rules, who helps if somebody gets hurt, who helps to train the athletes, who helps to make sure that people can watch at home, and who makes sure that the venues and pitches are clean and ready to use.
See the document below for more instructions, and you can use the image below to help you.
Wednesday 20th May
Bore da!
Don't forget to do your 30 second exercise challenge today! Have your scores improved, stayed the same, or decreased? I have gone from doing 9 situps in 30 seconds on Friday to doing 14 yesterday! I wonder what my score will be today.
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, so one of today's tasks will be focusing on kindness. We all know that being kind to someone can increase their mental health, but did you know it can also increase yours? Watch the video below to find out more.
Today's task is to EITHER choose an act of kindness for somebody else AND one for yourself from the calendar below, or if you are up for a challenge you could even make your own kindness calendar, using the template below. Don't worry, I have included some ideas.
Tuesday 19th May
Bore da pawb!
Don't forget to try your 30 second exercise challenge again today! I have been doing sit-ups and every day I've been able to do one more than the day before. We will be doing this every day until Friday, when we will be turning it into a graph!
Your second task is to create a motivational poster for sports! Motivational posters are used to inspire people to try their hardest, and to motivate them or encourage them if things don't go to plan. They usually include a picture and an inspiring quote or sentence.
Here are some motivational phrases you can choose from, or you can make up your own.
"I've failed over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed" - Michael Jordan
"Winners never quit, and quitters never win".
"It's not how big you are, it's how big you play".
"Nobody who ever gave their best regretted it".
"Today's actions are tomorrow's results".
Here are a couple of posters to give you inspiration.
Extra challenge
If you have access to Minecraft Education, which is free with a Hwb account, check out this competition! The winner gets their whole class free entry to your chosen museum once schools re-open.
All you have to do is watch the video below, and then create your dream museum on Minecraft and fill it with your favourite museum artefacts from National Museum Wales museums. These are:
More details are in the document below. Email entries to competition@museumwales.ac.uk before 30th June.
Monday 18th May
Bore da plant, I hope that you have all had a good weekend, and are rested, refreshed and ready for the week ahead.
PE I would like you to continue with Friday's task of counting however many of your chosen exercise you can do in 30 seconds. Remember, you must do the same exercise that you chose on Friday to make it a fair test.
Language Write the following Olympic poem out in your best handwriting. If you have lined paper, great! If you don't then you (or an adult) could use a ruler and a pencil to draw lines on your page. Remember, descending letters such as f, g, j, p, q and y hang below the line. Ascending letters such as b, d, f, h, k, l and t are taller than other letters.
You can illustrate your poem too if you want!
We love seeing all of your work so please tweet @BryncethinCl7 or upload a picture to our Google Classroom Stream.
Friday 15th May
Bore da pawb, it is Friday already! Every single one of you have done fantastic work this week, you should all be proud because we are proud so of you!
Today I would like you to do something in preparation for next Friday's lessons. Can you every day count how many starjumps, situps, or pressups you can do in 30 seconds? You can choose which activity you do, but you must do the same exercise every day. Record your number each day, and see if you can beat your previous day's score. Next Friday, you will be putting all of your scores for the week into a line graph!
Art - See the tutorial video below to make a tin foil sculpture, and make a person doing a sport of your choice! Remember that tin foil is quite delicate and rips easily, so you need to be careful as you are making the body parts. I have included a couple of mine for inspiration. All you need is a square of tin foil and some scissors!
Thursday 14th May
Bore da pawb!
Language - Today I would like you to create a Haiku (or more than one if you would like) about a sport you like. A haiku is a Japanese poem that is three lines long and does not have to rhyme. The special thing about a haiku is that the first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables. Here are two that I have made. Can you guess what sports they are about?
I look to the sky. The music is on,
The ball is high in the air. I begin my dance routine,
Will I catch or miss? And end in the splits.
Feel free to write your haiku on paper, or on j2e. You can even illustrate it if you like! We would love to see your amazing work so please either upload to Google Classrooms or share it on Twitter @BryncethinCl7
Welsh - Please take a look at the three images below - I have put together some vocabulary that relates to our topic of sport. You will probably know most of it already from work that we have done in school - especially the describing words and the sentence pattern "wyt ti'n hoffi...?"
I only want you to remind yourselves of the words - you might be surprised how much you remember! If you do feel confident, maybe you could try teach some to your family, or put it all into a sentence.
Wednesday 13th May
Bore da pawb! We are already half way through the week, isn't time flying!
This morning I have a Maths task for you and an Arty DT task. I hope that you enjoy them both! Thanks again everyone who filled out the survey last week, it was really helpful to see your feedback.
On our Google Classroom page we are beginning to learn about halving numbers. I would like you to have a look around your house for groups of objects you can split in half. This could be a handful of pasta, a small box of lego, a pencilcase full of pencils, a bed full of teddies or even a drawer full of socks! Count how many you have to begin with, and then half them (split them into two equal groups). How many do you have in each group?
Use the video tutorial below to make an origami rugby jersey! You only need one A4 piece of paper. Once you have made it, you can decorate it in your favourite team colours, or create your own design. Feel free to make more than one. I can't wait to see your designs! Please either upload a picture to Google Classrooms or send us a photo on Twitter using our handle @BryncethinCl7
Tuesday 12th May
Bore da pawb!
PE - Check out this deadlift exercise. Give it a go and don't forget to send any photos to @BryncethinCl7 or upload to our Google Classroom Stream.
Maths - Look carefully at these photos of different Olympic sports. Can you see any angles? What kinds of angles can you see? Remember, acute angles are less than 90 degrees. Right angles are 90 degrees (an L shape). Obtuse angles are between 91 degrees and 180 degrees (a straight line) and a reflex angle is more than 180 degrees.
Monday 11th May
Bore da pawb!
I hope that you all had a fantastic long weekend and are raring to go for the week ahead! Diolch to everybody who completed the survey about online learning, it was really helpful! The votes are in and our new topic is Sport, although it was sooo close we will try to include some work on heroes too.
Wellbeing/PE - Check out this alphabet yoga! Can you spell out your name using yoga poses? We would love to see pictures on Google Classroom or Twitter (@BryncethinCl7)
Thursday 7th May
First of all I would like to thank everyone for their hard work this week. You're all doing amazing work. I'd also like to thank everyone who has taken the pupil voice survey, the feedback is really helpful! Here is the link again for anyone who missed it yesterday.
Wednesday 6th May
Today is our last day of our food theme, as tomorrow we will be looking at VE Day which will be celebrated on Friday. Friday is a bank holiday, so no work will be posted.
Firstly, could you all fill in this Pupil Voice survey linked below? It is to help us make sure that the work we are setting is the right level and right amount, and also to vote for our next topic. Thank you!
Language -
Which sweets are never on time? Choco-LATE!
"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Lettuce who?"
"Lettuce in and we'll tell you!"
Do you know any food jokes? I would like you to have fun finding some or creating your own. You could even make yourself a little joke book using the mini-book template from last week!
Art -
Check out these two artists who make art using food!
The images on the left are by Archimboldo who creates faces using food. On the right are images by Carl Warner, who creates landscapes using food. Choose your favourite and create your own food-based art. Be creative: you could draw, paint, or even photograph real food!
Don't forget to upload to twitter @BryncethinCl7 or upload to Google Classrooms. We love seeing your amazing work!
Tuesday 5th May
Bore da plant!
We absolutely LOVED seeing all of your pictures and videos yesterday! Everyone is doing such a great job with online learning, da iawn pawb. Keep sending them to @BryncethinCl7
Maths - Have a look at the food poster below.
DT : Design a cool or crazy sandwich. All of the ingredients have to be edible. If you have the ingredients in your kitchen, ask an adult to help you make it. If not, draw it and imagine that you are eating it. What is its texture? (Crunchy? Smoothe? Lumpy?) What does it taste like? Is it nice or not?
Here is an example of a crazy sandwich - a SPAGHETTI sandwich! Do you think that would be tasty or weird?
Monday 4th May
Bore da pawb! I hope that you all had a nice, relaxing weekend and are ready to start a fresh week.
PE - Obstacle Course
Plan and build an indoor obstacle course that includes 4-6 activity stations. Activities could include walking with a cushion or pillow balanced on your head, throwing balled up socks into bowls placed at different distances, and hopping across the room. Time your family as they complete the course. Keep a chart of times. Who is the fastest?
Language - Food alphabet
Find a food beginning with each letter of the alphabet. Once you are finished, choose two from your list and research where and how they are traditionally made/grown.
I would love to see your work, so please tweet to @BryncethinCl7 or upload a photo to our Google Classroom stream.
Friday 1st May
Today is the day! It's Pyjamarama Day! Follow the link below to access all of the activities in store. It is sure to be a fun-filled day of celebration :) Cosy up in your PJs, make another reading den and have a great day. Post your pictures to our class twitter page @BryncethinCl7
Thursday 30th April
Bore da pawb!
Literacy - today's literacy task is to create your own book! For this, you only need one piece of paper. Use the video below to turn your A4 sheet of paper into an eight page book!
Now, this could be a storybook, a diary, a non-fiction book, a biography or an autobiography. It is completely up to you! These books are TINY so if you need more pages, just make another book and use glue to stick it onto the end of your original.
Don't forget to design an eye-catching front cover and write a blurb to draw readers in. You may also illustrate your book. I can't wait to see what amazing books you all create!
Please upload photos to our class stream on Google Classroom, or tweet photos to @BryncethinCl7
Art - As tomorrow is Pyjamarama day, I would like you to design a set of pyjamas. You can design the front and back of the pyjamas. You can use this as a template, or draw your own!
Enjoy your day!
Wednesday 29th April
Bore da pawb! Everyone has been working so hard this week, and your work has been AMAZING! I have three tasks for you this morning - the first is to build a reading den! The weather has gotten so cold and rainy, so build yourself a reading den to cwtch up in with a book. Mrs Rogers and I will be sharing photos of our own reading dens later on!
Maths - Complete the activity below using the extract provided and a book of your own!
DT - Design and make your own bookmark. You can make a rectangular one, one of the funky ones like the YouTube video below, or make your own design up!
Here is one that Mrs Rogers made yesterday. Isn't it fantastic?
Tuesday 28th April
We are on day 2 of our story week!
Art - In the book we are reading Here Comes Trouble, today the old lady has a special, magic cold cure.
Your task today is to create your own magic potion! Start with a base of water, and then you can add anything. Some ideas could be flowers, leaves, glitter and food colouring to make it as magical as can be! Have a think about what your potion is called, and what powers it has.
(If you need access to the book, find our oxfordowl class login on our Google Classrooms page, or tweet @BrycethinCl7 and I can give you the details).
Language/Music/Art - Hwb are looking for children to send in some creative work!
"We are calling for children and young people to become Hwb Heroes by creating messages to share with older and more vulnerable people across Wales. We would like you to get creative and send us your original artwork such as:
If you would like to become a Hwb Hero, follow the link below and it will tell you how to submit your artwork.
See the video below for more information.
Monday 27th April
Bore da pawb! I hope you all had a lovely weekend! This week we have something really special in store.
We are going to be celebrating stories and reading together. Then on Friday, we will be taking part in a whole school celebration day when families can all join in a Festival of Story - fun filled at home!
Language - Draw the main character from a book that you have recently enjoyed. Show them as a baby, middle aged and as an older person. Underneath each picture, write what you think they might be doing at that point in their life, and explain why they might be doing so.
Example - Harry Potter.
As a baby I might draw him playing on a baby broomstick with his parents to show his happy childhood before Voldemort's attack. As a middle aged person, I might draw him taking his children to Platform 9¾, to show how he is close with his family. As an older person, I might draw him relaxing on a magical cruise after a busy life fighting evil.
DT - Can you make an invitation to invite somebody to our whole day Festival of Story on Friday? You can make a digital one on your computer, or you can hand-make it on paper. Here are some things to include:
Date - Friday 1st May
Time - All day
Dress Code - Pyjamas
Where - Your living room (online)
There will be LOTS of activities going on, and we would love as many people as possible to get involved!
Friday 24th April
Happy Friday everyone! We have made it through another week.
Here are your activities for today:
The daily recommended amount of steps each person should walk is 10,000.
Count how many steps it would take to walk around an area of your house. This could be your garden, kitchen, bedroom, living room or up your stairs. Calculate how many times you would need to walk around the room to reach 10,000 steps! Ask a family member to do the same thing - are their number of steps different to yours? If so, why might that be?
Watch the video tutorial below to learn how to make an origami jumping frog! Don't worry if you don't have any coloured paper - that just means you can personalise your frog even more by decorating some plain paper to work on. Once you have made it, have a play around. Can you make your frog do any cool flips or tricks? How far can your frog jump?
I hope you enjoy these activities and would love to see your work! Please tweet to @BryncethinCl7
Enjoy your weekends everybody!
Thursday 23rd April - Language
Bore da pawb!
Here are some tongue twisters. See if you can say them three times as fast as you can!
A tongue twister has LOTS of alliteration in them. Can you try make up your own tongue twister, and see if your family can say them quickly?
We would love to see your work, please tweet to @BryncethinCl7
Thursday 23rd April - PE
Have a go at these exercises with a partner. Do five of each exercise, and then have a short break while your partner does five of each. See how many times you can do this in ten minutes. Underneath, I have added a 10 minute workout music timer if you want to use it. There are lots available on YouTube.
Wednesday 22nd April - Art
Bore da!
It is another beautiful day today, and if you have a look outside it is starting to become very colourful with the leaves growing back on the trees and flowers growing!
In your garden, or during your daily exercise, collect some natural materials (like sticks, stones, flowers, grass or leaves) and make a piece of art work out of it. Your art piece can be big or small, stuck on paper or on the floor outside. Here are some ideas to get you started!
Wednesday 22nd April - Maths
Can you work out these word problems and show your answers on paper?
Tuesday 21st April - English
This morning I would like you to take a look at this poem.
Excuses by Allan Ahlberg
I’ve writ on the wrong page, Miss.
My pencil went all blunt.
My book was upside-down, Miss.
My book was back to front.
My margin’s gone all crooked, Miss.
I’ve smudged mine with my scarf.
I’ve rubbed a hole in the paper, Miss.
My ruler’s broke in half.
My work’s blew out the window, Miss.
My work’s fell in the bin.
The leg’s dropped off my chair, Miss.
The ceiling’s coming in.
I’ve ate a poison apple, Miss.
I’ve held a poison pen!
I think I’m being kidnapped, Miss!
So . . . can we start again?
Your job is to give an award to the best excuse, the worst excuse and the funniest excuse and in one sentence can you give a reason why.
Example: The award for the worst excuse goes to I've smudged mine with a scarf because nobody wears a scarf in class, and it would be hard to smudge your work with a scarf.
Can you think of any other excuses that someone might have to restart their work?
Extension: Can you create one more verse for the poem?
Tuesday 21st April - Geography
Look at the treasure map below. Can you write directions to the treasure using North, South, East and West?
Use the compass on the page to help you.
I have written the first two directions for you:
First, move two squares west.
Next, move six squares north.
Monday 20th April - English
Bore da plant!
We all hope you had a nice, relaxing Easter holidays! Your task this morning is to make a postcard to one of your friends about your Easter break. Here is a picture to help you with the layout.
Friday 3rd April
Happy Friday pawb!
I would like to thank you all once again for all the hard work you've put in to online learning. We have all really enjoyed seeing your fantastic work!
Monday marks the beginning of the Easter holidays, so we won't be posting any work for two weeks! We will be back online on Monday 20th April. As always, make sure you all stay safe and have fun. I hope you all get lots of Easter eggs!
Here are your activities for today and the holidays.
As an extension, could you make your own scavenger hunt or activity bingo for your friends or family to try?
If possible, please share your work or any activities you've been doing to our class Twitter @Bryncethincl7 or to our page on Google Classrooms. We really enjoy seeing what you've been getting up to!
Finally, I would like to wish you all a Happy Easter, from all staff in Bryncethin Primary! Looking forward to seeing you all online after the holidays!
Thursday 2nd April
Please read below for information about a competition which 7-11 year olds can enter! Good luck!
As part of this year’s International Dylan Thomas Day, which is celebrated on 14 May each year, DylanED is inviting 8-11 year olds across Wales to take part in a very special competition.
The competition, which is entitled ‘My Favourite Dream’ is based around Dylan Thomas' story A Visit to Grandpa's.
Following in the footsteps of Swansea’s foremost writer and storyteller, the competition will look for children aged 8-11 to submit a short story (100 words), poem or picture of their own favourite dream.
Competition winners will receive a number of goodies including a trophy, framed copy of their work and goody bag. Selected entries will also feature in an online exhibition.
Entries should be submitted electronically by Friday 1st May to cultural-institute@swansea.ac.uk with the title 'DylanED - my favourite dream.'Thursday 2nd April
I would like you to create an image using only triangles! Your image can be anything you want, a person, animal, building, vehicle.
You could draw your image on paper, cut and stick the triangles, or even use j2e!
Try using different types of triangle -
Have fun!
If possible, please share your work to our twitter page @Bryncethincl7
Wednesday 1st April
Now that Easter is nearly here, could you write an acrostic poem using the word Easter?
An extra challenge could be to make it rhyme!
If possible, please share your finished poem onto twitter @Bryncethincl7
Wednesday 1st April
Bore da, bonjour, guten tag, buongiorno, Buenos dias!
This morning I would like you to explore a city! If you go onto YouTube (the app on a phone or tablet works best for this) with adult supervision and type in City Tour 360, there are lots of city tours you can choose from. The 360 allows you to swipe the screen and look around the place.
If the 360 does not work well on your device, try typing in guided city tour for kids and use one of those.
I enjoyed looking at Rome in Italy, and have attached the link below.
Can you write about the place you visited and draw a picture of your favourite landmark?
Tuesday 31st March
How many different words can you make using these letters?
Words must be 3 or more letters long.
You may only use each letter once for each word.
Tuesday 31st March
Bore da!
This morning I would like you to use the chart below to make up and complete a work out using the letters of your name. Enjoy!
Can you make a workout for other members of your family to complete too?
Monday 30th March - English
Bore da,
Once you have designed your rollercoaster (see below) your next task is to write an advert to persuade people to come and try your rollercoaster!
You could either write this as a poster OR you could write a script for a video or radio advert!
Some things to include:
If possible, tweet your work to @Bryncethincl7
Monday 30th March
Bore da pawb!
I hope you have all enjoyed the weekend! Thanks again for all of your hard work last week.
This morning's task is to design your own rollercoaster! You can choose either to draw this on paper, junk model it, or use Minecraft Education if you have access to that.
When you design your coaster, please think about a name, a theme (superheroes, Disney, animals etc.), it's top speed and also does it have any loops.
If you need any inspiration for your rollercoaster, with adult supervision you can go onto YouTube and type in 360 Rollercoaster. This has many different coaster videos to check out. My favourites are the Superman rollercoaster and the Frozen rollercoaster!
If possible, could you tweet a photo or video of your finished rollercoaster design to @Bryncethincl7
Friday, 27th March - Science
Bore da! It is a lovely, sunny day. For this investigation, you will need a camera.
1. Place an object somewhere you can see its shadow. For example, a glass on a window sill.
2. Take a photo of it at these times of day: 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm. (You might need to wait for the sun to come out)
3. Compare the photos. What has happened to the shadows?
If possible, can you tweet them on @Bryncethincl7 ?
Friday, 27th March - Maths
Regular and Irregular 2d shapes
A regular shape has sides that are all the same length.
An irregular shape has sides that are different lengths.
Look at these objects. Which are regular shapes and which are irregular shapes?
Friday, 27th March - English
Alliteration is when a group of words begin with the same sound, for example, crunchy carrot, cuddly kitten.
Bore da! Yesterday I posted a game for you to play, in which you had to think of boys' names, girls' names, names of animals, food and countries.
Today, can you choose an adjective beginning with the same sound for five animals, five types of food and five countries?
If you like you can tweet them on @Bryncethincl7
Thursday, 26th March - English
Bore da pawb! This is a well known game that helps you think of the sounds at the beginning of words. Copy out the sheet, or print it out. Click on the link below. It will open in Microsoft Word. Click "Enable Editing" to print it out.
Thursday, 26th March - Maths
2d shapes have 'properties'. This simply means asking these questions:
1. How many sides?
2. How many corners?
3. Are the sides straight or curved?
4. Are the side all the same length?
Draw a square, a rectangle, a triangle and a circle. Next to each shape, write its properties.
Wednesday, 25th March
Hello everyone!
Today, could you make up a riddle about an animal. Here is an example:
I run on all four legs, but I'm not a horse.
I live on the African plains, but you can see me in a zoo.
I am black and white all over, but lions can't see me very well.
What am I?
Try your riddle out on someone. Could they guess what the animal is?
Look around the house for these 2d shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, circle, pentagon (5 sided shape). Draw a chart to show how many of each shape you can find. Which shape is the most common?
Hello everyone!
Read the story, "Jason and the Golden Fleece". Can you find the three mythical creatures?
Can you find out what they look like?